Stirling insurgency (post central uprising)

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Week 1-Following the Central uprising (occasionally dubbed the larbert uprising) Scottish paramilitarys flee to predominantly Stirling.At this time Edinburgh,Glasgow and the Highlands are heavily monitored.The entire country is effectively occupied by English forces to remove most Military assests and ensure a smooth transistion to Independence.About a dozen riots break out across the country 1 soldier in glenrothes is killed.There is A small attack an English jeep in the middle of the Scottish borders which injures 3.As revenge England destroys a nearby villages squadron.Paramilitarys wind down activities due to English forces presence.Several SAC members head north to shetland and settle on the island of mousa.

Week 2-England cracks down on fire arms across the country,this caused the hiding of paramilitary symbols and weaponry.Even though they could have cleared out and find more their main goal was to curb paramilitary activity not destroy it.Those who did not do this flee across the land the main places being the Campsie fells and lomond hills.Covert operations allowed paramilitarys to begin bolstering weaponry and support for their cause.The Communist faction is formed this week and they gain support rapidly mainly from the PRC,Russia and Vietnam.Paramilitarys are cleared out of the Scottish borders.

Week 3-Quiet week one or two riots Communists gain popular support in North West Glasgow.An fpv drone strikes a eurofighter in lossiemouth damaging it.A train is ambushed outside of larbert its content vanishing.

Week 4-Scottish buisness owners in Stirling face an extremely vicious riot against them as such the local SAC group encourages revenge in blood.A firefight breaks out in the city center before the Unionist supporters flee.An encounter with a few drug dealers also ends poorly as Unionists cross over the railway.An SNP is attacked and killed by a Unionist using a makarov in London.This immediately preceeds a wave of more pro Scottish support even in England itself.A police officer in Glasgow kills a man with Unionist symbols and a pistol leaving the train station the same day.Unionist paramilitarys bomb a Scottish car going to Glasgow.

Week 5-The greymen are formed,this is a self defence group that used mainly crossbows and .22 hornet rifles.It was formed to get Scots into the safe zones (Glasgow,Edinburgh and hills).Paramilitary symbols in and around Aberdeen is notably increasing.A small gunfight breaks out near the city outskirts after SNG members attempt to stop a man getting jumped.The English break it up.The Bannockburn massacre occurs when a group of Unionists armed with Stens and Uzis kill 14 tourists and Scots.This causes a group of SAC members armed with a ultimax machine gun,bolt action rifles and fn fals sneak into the Highlands.They take over 4 villages Killin,balquidder and St filians one group even gets as far north as Kinloch leven.In Killin a group of locals take up arms and fire upon the SAC members who decided to have a parade through the village.The English outlaw public Unionist support for a week to keep the situation calm.

Week 6-quiet week Glasgow faces Scots attempting to move into the city which are crushed by English forces.A group of SNG members attack an orange march with a truck mounted mg killing many.The attacker is killed by a Unionist with a BFG 50.

Week 7-A group of English soldiers using armoured vehicles are killed in a mine attack in Balquidder.The survivors are gunned down when escaping from the vehicle.English forces successfully take back the villages however due to 1 soldier being taken hostage the SAC members are allowed to flee.In actuality they didn't leave.A bomb is dropped from a drone on a vehicle carrying ammunition killing 1 and stopping a convoy of vehicles.Riots occur in Stirling which trigger a very brief uprising.Killing a group of armed Unionists SAC forces seize the opportunity to completely rid the city of Unionists.The group rapidly moves through the city clashing ignoring the English but attack Unionists pushing them across Stirling bridge.There heavy fighting occurs which leave many Unionists dead.Shortly after the group is pushed out by English soldiers and many soldiers retreat volunterily.From there they temporarily occupy the area ay the foot hills of the Ochils.SNG and SAC forces fortify the wallace monument for several more days.

Week 8-A few riots and an ambush of unauthorised vehicle entering the Campsie fells.An apache attack helicopter along with a SAS assault manages to remove the SAC from the wallace monument.Unionists manage to almost destroy the group that was involved in the seige.Small skirmish occurs in Aberdeen near a church the Unionists win the skirmish.The Shetland crisis begins when a group of a few hundred Scots arrive in the Northern Isles.This marks the official beginning of the Scottish civil war.SNG bombs the A9 killing many.Blackout in Inverness occurs likely caused by paramilitarys.A group of unknown militants raid a whisky distillery and burn a farm to the ground at the feet of the ochil hills.After this a brief confronation with english soldiers occurs near the outskirts of perth.The militants dominate this battle with snipers managing to take out a jeap,an rpg hitting and disabling a scimitar vehicle and mines and traps allowing control of the battlefield.

Week 9-Shetland falls into Scottish hands.England spends this week more or less trying to contain the now escalating war.The Military assests have been removed from the country,England begins to pull out of the country allowing the transistion government known as the moderates.

Week 10-quiet week a police station is set alight in edinbrugh.English troops completley withdraw scots move into the islands.A group of english soldiers lose a patrol group,one member is later found quartered in the middle of several large english citys.Unionists suicide bomb the forth road bridge causing blockages and minor damage.English troops fend off an attack when they attempt to move into the campsie fells.

Week 11-SNG soldiers land on lewis marking an escalation of the war into the main civil war phase.The war begins in the scottish islands english troops will consistently remain as internal security however they refuse to participate in frontline duty.

End of insurgency.

Stirling insurgency
Outcome-Escalation of civil war
Beligerents-SNG,SAC,Unionists,transistional government,England
Casualties-27 English,one typhoon fighter jet seriously damaged,7 vehicles destroyed or damaged.Around 100 Unionists and Scots on each side.

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