part 6 Highland rebellion

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Cover-Red-Unionist angles of attack
Purple-core SNG territory
Blue-Jacobite angle of attack

Day 1 early morning-Jacobite forces on thr frontlines of scotland declare open rebellion against their ruling faction the SNG.As the front lines are mostly Jacobites successfully kill or capture SNG officers.Large amounts of SNG troops move to the front lines to attempt to quell the mutiny.Original Greymen fatally shoot and kill twenty SNG members near Fort Augustus.This is one of nine that occur before the afternoon.

Day 1 late morning-SNG troops reach the front lines of the war.Jacobites in the North of Scotland along with their leadership declared open rebellion.Troops in Orkney and Shetland begin attacking SNG troops.Unionists sign an alliance with the Jacobites against the SNG.

Day 1 early afternoon-Unionists break through in the Elgin front and head towards Inverness.The west coast of Scotland falls into the hands of Jacobite forces.Original Greymen pledge alliance to "The alliance of the monarchists".This allows safe passage through the hills.A precision missile strike destroys the Greymen forces headquarters just outside of Inverness.Unionists reach Inverness.

Day 1 late afternoon-SNG forces begin to hide their riches.Riots break out in remaining SNG territory.Inverness is reached by Jacobites and is entirely besieged.Heavy Fighting breaks out on the streets.

Day 1 Early evening-Jacobites reach the SNG headquarters and find it mostly evacuated.

Day 1 late evening-Fighting in the streets winds down.Unionists face a small air battle over the city and loose by a heavy margin.

Day 2 Early morning-Battle of Durness occurs,barely anyone is in the brief capital however it is cleared and partially burnt down anyway.After this pockets of SNG forces would remain however they were their own distinct faction with no ties.SNG casualties were low during the street sweeping process.

Day 2 late morning-Auld alliance is encated.France directly joins the war.

Highland rebellion result-Monarchist alliance victory.Direct forgien involvement in the war eventually leading to the end of the civil war due to this.

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