part 4 Mull campaign

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Day 1 morning-Under heavy fire Pro Scottish soldiers primarily belonging to the SNG (siol nan gaidhil) sector land on Bailmeonoch on the North of the island.Apart from this they don't encounter very much resistance moving towards Tobermory.
Day 1 afternoon-SNG soldiers reach Tobermory where they are ambushed and surrounded.An Allied scouting force of armour landing in the village of Fellonmore divert the Unionists attention.

Day 2 morning-SNG soldiers break out towards Loch Frisia where they encountered and manage to avoid a small Unionist unit.They fought at the battle of Loch Frisa which they won due to having higher ground and superior weaponry for this situation (malyuk and ak 5s).The Unionists didn't lose much of their units because they retreated into a fortified position.A squadron of Greymen (Scottish allied special forces) arrived in the early early morning.They managed to arrive from the Scottish held hebrideas on a G class landing craft (modified to be bullet proof from small arms) in the middle of the night.Their operational goal was to destroy Unionist infrastructure,kill core leaders and optionally provoke the locals into full scale uprising.In the south the scouting force experienced the loss of one of their vehicles.

Day 2 afternoon-SNG forces sail across to the Isle of Ulva beginning the seige of Ulva.Grey men forces burn a Unionist ship in the village of Fionnphort.The armoured vehicles stay put and secure their perimeter beating back a Unionist attack.Not much happens for the rest of the week.Greymen forces then move out of sight.

Week 2 first half of week-Unionist deployed the use of a bioweapon.Following this airstrikes begin on Mull.Greymen forces cut off infrastructure from the North of mull to the south.More forces arrive allowing the scouting force to advance towards the south of Mull capturing the region.The Unionists had attempted ambushes but they managed to do the most damage whilst using houses.They didn't use houses as cover instead they waited for the infantry and killed them while they swept through houses. They also set a couple of booby traps near the coast and on islets where a couple of them did a decent defence.Locals also begin attacking Unionists leading to crackdowns.Many flee to the mountains and with Greymen assistance the areas become Unionist free zone.These people make heavy use of drones to scout and even damage Unionist vehicles.

Week 2 mid week-A Scottish navy ship (Skjold class) patrolling Mull near is attacked by Unionist anti ship and runs aground on the island of Ulva.The ship is repaired and the powerful gun is used to destroy Unionist transportation. Unionists also attempt to land on Ulva they manage to briefly probe into the island.The SNG use the forest to their advantage flanking and using ambushes .These men are the first ones to catch the bioweapon which is a variant of anthrax.They are not allowed to return to Mull,the SNG dont want them so they are exiled to little colonsy.

Week 2 weekend-Jacobites and forgien soldiers move to break the seige of ulva.They sweep up to Tobermory with infantry destroying most anti tank fortifications and weapons.This allows a Hungarian small armoured squadron of Lynx armoured to land.These vehicles move rapidly across the town which immediately tells the Unionists to leave. Unionists move into the Ardnamuruchan peninsula.Choke points are held until the Tuesday the following week.Funding from forgien investors helped build up the island.

End of the Mull campaign

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