part 5 Battle of Stonehaven

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Late evening of may 26th 2023-SAC,Greymen and Jacobite troops move out of the cairngorm mountains under the cover of night.They are a primarily infantry force however they have some loitering munitions,a single marder ifv and armoured cars.

Early morning of May 27th 2023-A group of 50 Jacobites split off and enter Auchenblae.20 engage the local Unionist building ( a squadron of 12 people).The Unionists being surprisingly entrenched prepare to fight.They are armed with 2 awp snipers and mac 11 smgs.(they were tasked with scouting missions).
In Stonehaven the force settles into Dunnottar Castle and the local rsbp reserve.There they begin to fortify and prepare to move out.At the same time greymen scouts move into the town when it's still dark and encounter other greymen.A fire fight breaks out as it quickly becomes apparent that these greymen are members of the original greymen.These were men who refused to be special forces and worked predominantly as civil defenders.The other group is known as Greymen forces which the majority of the group is apart of.

Late morning may 27th-After taking minor casualties the Jacobites clear the Unionists out of Auchenblae.These groups would move into the hills and begin picking off Jacobites.In Stonehaven Greymen forces move out of the town.Unionists surround the castle and rspb reserve.

Early afternoon may 27th-Unionists attempt to go into the castle.Due to setbacks use of armoured vehicles is approved .

Late afternoon may 27th-Unionists are chaotically decimated in the castle.SAC takes heavy casualties during the defense.During an attempted retreat the Unionists encounter armoured vehicles.They take out 2 of them.

Early evening may 27th-Unionists encounter and temporarily disable the marder ifv using a h6 Chinese rocket.Scottish forces attempt to move into the town and are stopped near the war memorial.

Late evening may 27th-Unionists successfully retreat towards tactically important villages.Fighting in the streets continues.

Early morning may 28th-A Scottish submarine appears near the coast and fires a missile at the Unionists.Unionists completely retreat from the town as booby traps have been successfully planted.

End of battle.
Result-Pyrrihic Jacobite and SAC victory

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