Seige of Durness part 3.5

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Week 1-Unionist forces move up the North East of the country after the chaos following the election.They face Jacobites forces near Strathy which they destroy.Forces accompanied by armoured vehicles make their way up Sunderland.By the end of the week Unionists have secured most main roads to the town.

Week 2-Unionists approach bettyhill and trounge.They fight for approximately 3 days.The Unionists eventually break through to the village of eribol.This is because they spend way too much time trying to seize islets with a couple of SNG members on them.

Week 3-Uniinists break through in eribol where some of the heaviest fighting occurs.Unionists take unbelievabley high casualties including a majority of their ifvs that they have at the times.They also spend time fighting in hills.

Week 4-Unionists briefly besiege the town of Durness.Sepratist forces flank the Unionists and manage to squeeze them out of the town.

Week 5-Unionists begin to retreat towards caithness losing dozens each day.Eventually Unionists reach the corner of the peninsula.

Seige of Durness
Result-Scottish victory,steep Unionist morale drop,Unionist aid from England slowed down briefly before a significant increase

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