Season 2: Chapter twelve

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It was an early morning. And Franny was busy putting everything in place at the betting shop.She wasn't put that neatly together today. Was feeling a little funny even. So it was just her hair up in a bun, and her lipstick had stayed at home. She had dropped the kids at Anna's this morning. John had gone on some business Thomas had sent him to.And Arthur had gone back to London to claim Zabini's pub.

So when there was some knocking on the door.Franny groaned and told them they weren't open for biddings yet.'Always trying to get in early.' she sighed and put the big books on the tables. When she heard a woman's voice.'I'm here to see Thomas Shelby.' the voice sounded.Franny was certain she had heard that voice before.But she couldn't quite place it. So she slowly walked to the door and unlocked it.It was the woman from the derby. Who had asked Thomas what he wanted with this new horse.

'Come in.' Franny said opening the door and letting her in.When the woman was inside she quickly closed the door and locked it again.John had always told her to not get the door open or unlocked because of what happened last time with the Lees coming over, and destroying everything.She walked inside quickly looking around. But Franny walked around her.She had learned from her mistake last time and stood in front of her.looking into her eyes not saying a word.To which the woman put out her hand.

'May Carlton.' She introduced herself.'Franny Cor.. Shelby.' Franny corrected herself and shook her hand.'We met at the derby.' Franny told her.'Are you his wife.. ?' May asked her.To which let out a chuckle.'No I'm married to his brother.' Franny said.'Please sit down.Do you want a cup of tea?' Franny asked. May kindly declined and told her she had an appointment with Thomas.

'Mr. Shelby has his proper meetings in his other office.' Franny replied to May looking a little suspicious.Had she made a mistake again.'Well this was the address that he gave me.' May said looking a little worried.'He gave you this address?' Franny frowned.It was nothing like Thomas especially not with this type of woman.'He said it was a gambling den.' May continued.'I told him i wanted to see one since I'm always reading about them in the papers.Quite the big scandal in the Birmingham dispatch lately. '

'I know all about it. It was me dad who wrote it.' Franny said as she continued putting the books in place for when the shop would open.May looked rather impressed before she continued.'Anyway, he said I could come and have a look.And now I feel a bit of an idiot because I'm early and he's late.' May said looking around not looking in Franny's eyes.'That's okay, I'm sure he'll be here any minute.' Franny said as she continued putting everything ready.'So what brings you here?' Franny asked.

'I'm going to train his horse for the Epsom.' May explained walking towards Franny.When the door suddenly opened making Franny stand up straight and walking towards the door.Only to find her husband barge in like the hooligan he is.'There is fucking great Riley parked out front and nobody's watching it.' John exclaimed as he put the money he had been collecting up the table next to May.As he looked at her and also remembered her face.'John, this woman says she's training Thomas his horse.' Franny said looking at him.'He's told us a lot about you.' John said towering over May. looking a little intimidating.To which Franny narrowed her eyes at John motioning that he needs to act normal.

'Don't know where he is, do you?' May asked him. She stood there calmly looking at John. She wasn't intimidated in the slightest making Franny smirking a little.Thomas came inside excusing himself for being late.'There was a family matter.Franny keep it locked up for a minute okay?'

'Yes Thomas.' Franny said looking at John before walking a back.John walked after her and the both of them sat down in the kitchen.'You feeling a little better?' John asked pouring himself a glass of whiskey.'I'm still tired.' Franny said as she took away the glass and poured it down the sink.'It's not even 12 yet John.' she said as she stood on her toes and gave him a kiss.'You didn't have any trouble transporting the money today?' Franny asked before walking back to the shop. and took the money towards the safe.

'No, it was all easy this morning. They were probably all looking at the horse woman and her expensive car.' John said with a snicker.

Later that night they were celebrating Michael's 18th birthday in the GarrisonEveryone sat down in the compartment. Franny was sitting next to Finn and John. as John got a mild beer and everyone was laughing and smiling waiting for Michael.Franny was still feeling a little under the weather but with all this stuff happening in London and Arthur taking over a pub. It was almost like they were starting a gang war. Thomas was congratulating Michael into the Business and they all drank and even sang for him. Franny stood up and gave him a kiss on his cheek.'You'll be spending a awful lot of time with me now boy.' She winked at him and lit her cigarette. She gave it to Michael and lit one for herself. 'You better get used to that.' Franny winked.

After they all left in a hurry because they all had work tomorrow. Franny was left to close up the Garrison and she did so with pleasure. Polly was helping her put all the chairs up on the tables and to clean the last glasses. When Franny suddenly squeezed her eyes shut, and pushed herself with her back to the wall and slowly slid down.'What's happening Love?' Polly said as she quickly walked over and felt her forehead.'You're burning up.. Are you feeling all right? Have you had your blood yet?' To which Polly looked at her.

'You are..' Polly said breathlessly.'No i'm not.' Franny said as she took a breath and slowly stood up with the help of Polly.'I can't be. or something must have happened when I was asleep.' Franny lied to Polly.'Child. I can sense these things have you not caught up yet?' Polly said standing up and getting Franny a glass of water.'I had my blood a few weeks ago, i'm almost due for it again.' Franny said.'John and I have not done anything. I'm sure i'm just a little under the weather.' Franny did take the glass from Polly and took a sip.

After a few minutes she felt a lot better and the both of them locked up. Before the both of them parted ways Franny stopped Polly.'Please Aunt Pol, It's nothing please don't go throw it around. It's not what we want or need right now.With the whole London thing.' Franny said before kissing Polly and walking off towards John and hers house.Polly just nodded and let out a big sigh when she saw Franny walking out of frame.

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