S E A S O N T W O | C H A P T E R T H R E E

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The next morning the Shelby brothers were leaving for London early. Franny had woken up even earlier. Thomas had taken her aside yesterday and told her to come too. But to dress nice. So she called up Anna their babysitter. And she came even earlier.

Franny opened the door and gave her a cup of tea. She showed off the dress she was going to wear. It was a bit tighter black dress that stopped at her knees. She was wearing long black gloves and a gold bracelet John got her for their anniversary. Her hair was uptight, and she saw girls in magazines wear eyeliner, so she had practiced it quite a lot. With all the laughing she got from John. She never really wore it outside but today it looked actually good. And they were going to London so she needed to fit in.

Franny sat down with Anna for a cup of tea and some breakfast. She explained that she wasn't sure if they were home tonight or if it would take a bit longer. And told Anna she could sleep here and would earn more if it took longer. She smiled and nodded. Katie came running down the stairs a few moments later.  Followed by Dotty. After a few seconds, John came down with the boys in his arms. 'Fran. I told you I need to leave early today. Tommy is going to be bloody pissed if I'm late.' He said putting Oliver down on his feet and taking Henry over on his other arm. When he turned around he saw Franny sitting dressed up and Anna on the other side of the table saying good morning to the kids.

'Oh no no.' John said with almost a stutter. 'I hope you're going to some party with Esme because you're not coming with.' John said. Franny didn't answer and walked over to him. 'Orders from the boss.' She said lifting Henry out of Johns arms. And kissing his head. Franny put Henry on a chair and wanted to make him breakfast. 'No. Let me.' Anna said as she ordered Franny out of the kitchen.

'Let's go Tommy can be here any minute.' Franny said kissing the kids heads one by one and taking her expensive coat of the rack. John sighed and walked after Franny hugging the kids and telling them he was going to be back tonight or tomorrow and Anna would take great care of them. After that he left Anna some money to do something with the kids and walked out of the door.

'Are you insane.' He said when he closed the door grabbing Franny by her arm and pulling her against him. 'It's London, what if something happens.' John said a vein visible on his forehead. He was really pissed and Franny could tell. 'Well. Maybe Esme was right. I don't want you three making a war in London. You need some female intellect.' She bit back.

'It's dangerous Fran.' John then said. 'Please go back in the house, or go to the bathhouse for my part, but please.' John said pulling her even closer. He didn't want someone else hear a peaky blinder beg to his wife. 'Begging won't help John.' Franny said 'I've literally fought Billy Kimber on me own.' she said to him. 'I think I can handle some people in London. And we might even have a good day.' She said with a small smirk. 'I heard Tommy want's to go to a club.' She let it roll of her tongue.

John waited a few seconds before responding sucking on his tongue. 'You're reckless Francis Shelby.' He then said with a small smirk. 'You look so hot when your angry.' Franny said with a smirk biting her lower lip. She laid her arm around his neck and pulled him towards her kissing him in the early rays of sun. When they heard a car coming up. 'It's way to early for that John.' Thomas said as he stopped the car. John cleared his throat.

'Morning Tommy.' He said before helping Franny in the car. 'Morning Fran.' Thomas said as she jumped in the back of the car. 'Morning Tommy.' She said grabbing his bag of cigarettes that were almost falling out of his pocket. He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. 'I thought you were going to pick up Arthur first.' Franny said while lighting a cigarette. 'Well Esme is being kinda though about him going to London.' Thomas said as he drove off. 'When is she not.' John answered. They drove to the street Arthur lived and stopped the car.

'ARTHUR!' Thomas yelled. 'I'm coming!' He yelled back. A few moments later he came outside. 'She wouldn't let go of my fucking leg.' Arthur said closing the zip of his pants. 'That wasn't the only thing she wouldn't let go off.' John said with a chuckle. 'You know she's against this Tom.' Arthur said. 'she got opinions.' 'There's nothing wrong with opinions Arthur.' Thomas said. 'Get in the fucking car.' Franny said throwing her cigarette away. 'Fran's coming?' Arthur asked. 'You boys only make trouble I'm here to bring the peace to London.' She said while lighting another.

After a while of driving. And Franny falling asleep a few times till Thomas hit some bump in the road. They stopped. And all three of them jumped out to take a leak. 'Look at this. Look. Esme is right about one fucking thing.' Arthur said. 'You can't beat the countryside I love it. Y'know I think I want to live in the country one day. Raise some chickens.' Franny couldn't hold back her laughter.

Thomas walked back to the car. And John almost jumped back into the car 'We'll see you in London Arthur.' He said. Then Thomas pulled of the cover of the trunk of the car. Revealing a dead body. Making Franny almost gag at the scent. Jumping out of the car. 'Oh for fucks sake.' John said. 'Take this.' Thomas said giving John a shovel. Arthur walked back over and got a shovel from Thomas to. The last one he got himself. 'We need to bury him.' Thomas said. 'Who the fuck is that?' Franny said walking around the car standing behind John. 'It's Irish business. I thought it best if I dealt with it on me own.' Thomas said leaning on the shovel. 'Come on, we did a thousand of these in France. 'John grab his head.' Thomas ordered. Franny jumped aside. And was going to wait in the car till the boys were done. 'So we're not really going to London?' John asked. 'Once we bury him, then the holiday begins.' Thomas said.

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