S E A S O N T W O | C H A P T E R T W O

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It was family meeting time. Thomas had called everyone to the family house. At 1 PM sharp. Franny came into the shop at 12. Holding Henry on her hip and the other three rascals were running like a whirlwind around her. Trying to look for their dad or their uncles. Katie saw Aunt Polly and sprinted toward her. Oliver who was Katie's shadow followed her fastly. Dotty stood behind Franny holding her skirt. 'Where's Daddy?' She asked. Dotty was the daddy's girl. She was with John every second she could.

'I think Daddy's over at the board.' Franny said sweetly. 'Shall we go see him?' She asked Dotty who looked up at her and nodded desperately. Finn who was walking by saw Henry and without a second thought, he picked him off Franny's hip. Henry was fascinated by Finn's tie and smiled trying to reach it. 'Thank you.' Franny mouthed and then took Dotty towards the huge chalkboard. Where John was writing. A pen behind his ear and a cigar on the side of his mouth. He was looking over something with Scudboat when he heard Dotty say Daddy and her little shoes on the wooden floor. She ran towards him and jumped into his arms. John caught her and lifted her on his hip.

'Give me a second Love, I need to finish this okay?' He said to Dotty who nodded her head already happy he had been lifting her and she was now safe in his arms. 'Fran.' Finn's voice said loudly. To which Fran jerked her face away from the sweet encounter that was now burned on her retina. In these moments Franny wished she and John were having kids. But he wanted to be careful. four was a lot already and they were so busy with the shop. Franny walked over to Finn who was trying to keep Henry from taking his hat.

She took him over from Finn. And put him on his own feet. 'Your tie is completely messed up Mr. Shelby.' Franny said trying to hold in her smirk and trying to make it presentable again.'Remind me to never lift one of my nieces or nephews again Fran.' Finn said. 'I need to go get Arthur or he will be to late again.' Finn said. Franny was done with his tie and patted him on his back. She lifted Henry up again. And the both of them waved goodbye to Finn.

'Let's see Daddy okay?' Franny said with a coo to Henry who was on the verge of crying because Finn had left. When he however heard daddy he was excited. But this time John was already on his way over with Dotty in his arms. 'Look what the cat dragged in.' John said with a smirk and kissed Henry on his pretty blonde hair. Another thing Franny loved about John was that he wasn't scared to admit he was a real father who loved his kids and liked to spent time with them. 'You know we have a meeting soon Fran..' John started.

'Yes, Anna is coming here to pick them up.' Franny said looking over at Polly who was smiling and giving both Katie and Oliver a piece of candy. It was just a couple of minutes when Anna came. Thankfully the kids loved her. And after giving Uncle Finn and Aunt Polly hugs, they all sprinted towards Franny wanting a kiss. Which she happily did. They all hugged John and the three eldest ran outside while Anna picked up Henry and walked out. 'Let's go.' John said to Franny. He was lighting a cigarette and waiting on her to walk to the kitchen.

'I'm coming let me put away something.' Franny said as she walked into John's office. He shrugged and walked off to the kitchen. Franny was about to walk out of the office when Scudboat came standing in the door. 'He still hasn't knocked you up?' Scudboat said with a raised eyebrow. 'Not that I know off.' Franny said crossing her arms. 'Here I thought you were going to have a soccer team.' He said putting a cigarette on the tip of his lips and lighting it. 'Yeah well, there's a lot going on right now. I can't put John through something like that. With this London thing' Franny said bowing her head so she could walk underneath his arm.

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