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It warace dayay. And Franny had been up all morning. She had taken her dress to the Shelby household. Her father knew what the Shelby boys did, but he thought she would never engage with work like this. And it might look suspicious that Franny wasn't wearing her usual colors.But red of all things. Franny didn't like red, it speaks out in a room and shpreferreded to not be spotted and being able to listen in and gather information.

But this time it was her time to shine. Ada had come over but told her that as soon as she saw Thomas she would be gone. She had curled her hair and Ada was sticking it up and teasing it so it looked full of volume. When her hair was done she had been talking with Ada with a cup of tea. But after a while sounds started to be heard from upstairs.'That's my cue to watch outWatch out for Kimber okay?' Ada said while kissing the top of her head and quickly leaving.

'Was that Ada?' Thomas said walking down the stairs.He was right out of the door getting the car. Franny just nodded while she quickly walked over to the room Ada slept in. To change herself in the red dress she had bought.After a few minutes she came down again.

Her dress was a long one till her ankles. It was a dark red body which fell loosely over her body. Over it was a layer of see through dark red with long sleeves. Making it possibly to see her arms but every other bit was covered. 'Pol could you zip me up?' Franny asked as she came downstairs again. Not noticing John and Arthur had come in.Polly rushed towards her and zipped her up.

'Oh Fran you look amazing.' Polly said with a smile pushing a strand of hair out of her face.Franny smiled at her and walked over to the table.she took her dark lipstick and quickly put it on. 'You should wear red more often.' John said while lighting a cigarette. 'God you never shut up do you? it's bloody 6 in the morning.' Franny said standing in front of him. She took the cigarette out of his mouth and took it from him.'You know how to be like me when you have kids.' John said rolling his eyes and grabbing another cigarette out of his pack.

'I basically raise yours, you need to find yourself a wife Johnny.' Franny said grabbing her hat bag because she heard the car pull up.'Good luck to you today boys. Kick some Lee butt for me.' She said while walking towards the door.

She was wearing really nice black high heels and pulled her coat over her dress. 'Well goodluck with Kimber yourself. You look great bet you can pull it off Fran.' Arthur said patting her on her shoulder.'Keep your head clear, if that fucker puts one finger on you I'll kill him myself.' John said after Arthur had walked away. he winked at her. Franny rolled her eyes and walked outside the door and climbed in Thomas his car.When they arrived Thomas had told her a lot of things.

Her alias to get in was that her name should be Lady Sarah Duggan of Connemara.'Why are we going through the backway?' Franny asked not so sure if this was allowed.'Well, I prefer to come to the races the back way.Keeps me or us out of trouble.' Thomas answered.When they came inside the more rich people area. He went over the plan again.'You name?''Lady Sarah Duggan of Connemara.My horse his name is Dandy FlowerIf they ask about you, you speak Prussian and can't understand English.' Franny answered looking at Thomas.He just nodded impressively at her.They walked inside and were greeted by one of the staff members.

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