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"Kanada Taichi in Morioka, in June. Shimada Osamu in Yokohama, in August. Yamato Hiroshi in Nagoya, in September. These three died in similar circumstances. They were stabbed to death by a cursed spirit at the entrances to their apartments, and all of them had filed the same complaint with the property managers several weeks before dying. They claimed their auto-locking doors were left wide open. None of the other residents have any idea what could have happened."

One of the school faculty members, Nitta Akari explained as she drove a black car with the four first-years inside, with Y/n sitting in the front and the other three sitting in the back. Megumi used his phone to see the different people Akari was talking about whilst Y/n used her new (but almost terrible) phone.

"None of the dates or locations match, though. Could the same cursed spirit have killed them all?" Megumi questioned as the other two members leaned towards his phone. Yuuji raised his eyebrows as he looked at Akari. "Hey, could the cursed spirit be responsible for the doors? Do sensors like those pick up cursed spirits? They don't show up on cameras and stuff, right?"

"Apparently, the cursed spirit made the door operators go crazy, not the sensors." Akari explained as Yuuji's mouth made an 'o'. "...Operators?"

"And as for whether or not the same cursed spirit was behind this... Well, we couldn't be certain from just the residuals. After all, a lot of time had already passed. So we tried to track down any connections between the three. We found that all three attended the same middle school for two years." Akari spoke again.

"Meaning all three received the same curse, and it activated after time had passed?" Nobara thought out loud, placing a hand on her chin. Yuuji with wide eyes looked over at Nobara. "Woah!"

"Precisely. That's highly likely." Akari smiled, still focusing on the road in front of her. "So we're going to that middle school now to question someone the three victims all knew, and I want you four to see what you can find as sorcerers." Akari finally finished explaining.

"Way to go, Kugisaki!" Yuuji exclaimed, looking over at the older female. The girl tucked her hair behind her ear, smirking widely. "Heh, what'd you expect?" Megumi just loudly exhaled as Y/n looked behind, smiling widely at the duo.

After about ten minutes, they had arrived at a destination spot. When they opened the doors of the car, all they could hear was a deep bell sound ringing and they could see people dressed in all black.

"A... funeral?" Yuuji questioned as they closed the door behind them. "Is this the home of that acquaintance?" Nobara questioned, but Akari's eyes were wide with confusion. "Yes, it is... Well, this sucks–

He died the same way the other three did." Akari mumbled as the five people were back in her car, driving to another location. "He lived with his family, so there was no auto-locking door, but he was killed in front of the entrance. Previously, upon returning home alone, he reported, "The door was unlocked, but it wouldn't open," to his other family members."

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