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"Thank you." Megumi nodded at the security guard, Y/n quickly following suit. It was already afternoon, about 4 PM or so, and the two friends were able to get into the school with ease through the main gate. Y/n winced at the memory of the two of their conflict last night.

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"What do you mean, 'just go through the gate'? We're not even students, how is the security guard going to let us in?" Megumi argued, seeing how Y/n didn't like the idea of sneaking in.

Y/n frantically typed on her phone before showing it to him.

文字通り、私たちはゲストであり、学校の周りを見学したいと言うことができます。 これやったことないの??

We could literally just say we're guests and we want to spectate around the school!! Have you never done this??

"I have never." Megumi bluntly stated, making Y/n slightly sweatdrop. She got rid of some thoughts before typing on her phone.

それでも、私たちは安全に学校に入らなければなりません。 危ないからもう入りたくない。 さらに、さらに多くの目撃者がいます。

Still, we have to get into the school safely. I don't want to sneak in anymore, it's dangerous. Besides, there are more witnesses.

Megumi slightly pouted as he looked towards a corner of the room. "I still think sneaking in is better.."

Y/n karate chopped his head, making him wince in pain.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

The duo walked into the school campus, Y/n smiling as she watched a few students from the first floor chatting, taking notes, and doing presentations. The sun was shining, she could hear kids laughing, and the birds were singing. It was a nice view to behold. She turned to look at Megumi. But to her dismay, he suddenly disappeared.

Y/n frantically whipped her head back and forth, trying to find her friend before noticing him walking into the school's sports field. Without wanting to be left behind, Y/n quickly ran to him.

She entered the sports field and noticed Megumi idly standing in the middle, looking around the field.

"Is there a dead body buried here or something?"

Cerise ↯ JJK VARIOUS ✔️Where stories live. Discover now