{Little love}

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It's been two weeks since Jungkook arrived at his new school. The boy did not bother to get along with other students. He was always in his own world.

A random day like this, when the latter was sitting, taking shelter under the tree shade. The other boys were playing sports on the playground. One of the players in the basketball game happened to see the silent bunny.

??: *calls* "Hey Jungkook! Join us!"

JK: "No thanks! I'm fine." He calls a bit louder for the player who was a bit far.

Player 1: "Leave him, Taehyung! He won't listen."

TH: "Why is he always by himself ?"

Player 1: "Dunno! He doesn't talk to anyone. Don't bother with him. Let's play by ourselves."

Taehyung glances him for some seconds and continues focusing on the game.




JK: *eating alone*

He frowns when someone puts the mini bottle of banana milk on the side of his plate. Looking up, he finds his classmate Taehyung, smiling at him.

TH: *sits infront of him* "Let's eat together."

JK: *eats quietly*

The boy puts his side dish in bunny's plate but he returns it.

JK: "Taehyungshi!"

TH: "Yeah?"

JK: "Why are you being nice to me?"

TH: "Umm... because I want to?"

JK: "See, You don't have to pity me thinking of me as a loner. I like it this way, so please don't bother me."

TH: "But I-"

JK: "I'm done." *Gets up* "Btw, I'll take this. Thanks!" With puffy lips,  he grabs the banana milk and goes away.

TH: *blinks eyes* "What was that? Did he just pout?" A wide smile escapes his lips, as he facepalms. "Ahh! He's so cute."


T: "Jungkook! Will you read out this chapter for us?"

JK: "Yes, miss!" *Gets up and starts reading*

Taehyung, sitting on the back bench near the window, admires the soft voice of the bunny, resting his face on his hand.

Watching Jungkook and following him without him noticing, becomes the hobby of that boy. Like this, he spends his days.


In his free time, Jungkook likes to listen to music on the roof, with his headphones on. It's peaceful as nobody comes to disturb him there. A pair of eyes were watching him from behind the wall, fondly.

JK: "Come out!"

Taehyung flinches but doesn't show himself.

JK: "I know, you are here."

TH: *sighs and comes out* "How did you know?"

JK: "You don't even know how to hide. Half of your body was seen."

TH: *scratches his head* "I got caught."

JK: "Were you stalking me?"

TH: "A-ani! I wasn't."

JK: "You are ruining my personal space by that."

TH: "Why do you talk so straightforwardly?"

JK: "I don't know. Just don't stalk me."

TH: "In one condition, I'll stop."

JK: "What?"

TH: "Let's be friends."

JK: "You already have so many. Why me?"

TH: "I also want you."

JK: "I'm boring."

TH: "Does it look like I care?"

JK: *side eye* "What if you got bored of me and ignore me later on?"

TH: "Then, punch me as hard as you can and force me to be with you."


TH: "Is there also something like dumping in friendship?"

JK: "I-It slipped out of my mouth."

TH: "But it sounds cool. 'Dumping!' "

JK: "YAH!"

TH: "Hahaha! So friends, are we?"

JK: *pouts* "Fine, I guess!" He shakes his hand.

TH: "Jungkookie is mine."

JK: "Huh?"

TH: "My friends are my property."

JK: *scoffs* "So, you claim everyone as yours?"

TH: "Is that a problem?'

JK: "Ani!" The pout was still on his lips.

TH: "You know what, I love your pouty lips." *Smile*

JK: "And your boxy smile is my favourite."

TH: "Boxy smile?"

JK: "Hmm! When you smile, your lips look like a box."

TH: "Is that so? I didn't know."

JK: "I know because I see you smiling with your friends everyday." *excitedly*

TH: *raises an eyebrow* "You see me?"

JK: "I-I mean, by chance."

TH: "Oh, okay! Do you wanna play basketball with me?"

JK: "Yeah!"

Their friendship brings them closer day by day. The bunny also established good bonds with the other friends of Taehyung's. At first, he was hesitant, but Tae pushed him to speak. Even after having other friends, the one with the boxy smile was the bestest for him.

Was that only friendship? Let's know that later.


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