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"JIMIN! JIMIN, come down! I'm getting late."


He comes downstairs, walking to his mother who is standing in the entrance.

JM/M: "Here, your this month's allowance."

JM: "What's this mom? You already gave me money for the party. It's enough."

JM/M: "It's your youth so you gotta enjoy it." She smiles and grabs his hand, putting the cash. "Eat your breakfast before going to college, okay? Bye!" Saying this, she leaves for work.

JM: "Thanks mom!" The son smiles and mumbles.



Today, I reached college before Yoongi as he was not there in the class yet. Instead of wasting time, I decided to make some notes related to my subject.

Students kept coming one by one. I was first to arrive though and it hits different when you are alone in the class. 


The voice was not loud but it was so out of the blue that it flinched me.

JM: "Ah, Yoongi! Hi!"

YG: "Why do you always get so shocked?"

JM: "It's not my fault that sudden voices and actions flinch me." *rolls eyes*

YG: "You should see a doctor incase you have a problem."

JM: "No need!"

YG: "Hmm, okay! And yeah, I almost forgot. There's a good news."

JM: "What?"

YG: "Hobi is joining the fresher party as well."

JM: "How do you know?"

YG: "Yesterday, I saw him talking to the Classes rep. When asking him, he said he's also contributing for the party. He will even take part in the performance. Isn't it great?" He raised his hands for high five so I attached my hands with his.

JM: "Yeah! That's great!" I could see how excited he was. His gummy smile was saying all that.

I tried to take my hands back but I don't know why he took them in his hold.

JM: "What happened Yoongi?"

YG: "Your hands are warm."

JM: *smiles* "Oh really? How does it feel now?" My hands cupped his cheeks.

YG: "It feels good."

His smile pierced my heart. He's so cute. My soul was just so lost in him.

YG: "Umm Jimin?"

JM: "Hmm?"

YG: "Will you let go now?"

JM: "What?"

YG: "My cheeks!"

JM: "Am I still holding them?" I was definitely not in my sense.

YG: "Aren't you?"

JM: "Am I?"

"Yoongi and Jimin! If you guys are done playing your warm-warm game, can I take the lecture?" The professor's words helped me to come back to reality. I quickly left his cheeks. Whole class was laughing.

YG: "You're unbelievable." Yoongi lowly said that I looked down smiling nervously.

Our class rep went to the staff table after the professor left, to announce something maybe.

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