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As the lecture ended, both of the boys happily got out of class. Jimin frowns when the directions where they are going towards, don't match.

JM: "Yoongi?"

YG: "Hmm?" *Confused*

JM: "Why are you going to the opposite? We are going to Hobi's class, not outside."

YG: "My bad! Sorry!" The cat apologizes, scratching the back of his hair."



CH: "Stop your movements. We'll continue tomorrow."

Students: "Thank you, sir!" They bow their heads as the choreographer takes his leave.

Jimin and Yoongi enter the room, going straight to their friend who was resting his butt on the floor, sweating.

JM: "Hobi-Ah!"

HS: *smiles and gets up* "Hey, Jiminah!" Taking the support of Jimin's hand, the latter gets up.

JM: "You're sweating too much."

HS: "Yeah! I practiced a little hard today."

JM: "Don't overdo!"

HS: *chuckles* "It's okay!" 

JM: *eyeing the cat* "Why are you so quiet today, Yoongi?"

YG: "Am I?"

JM: "Really quiet! You weren't like this a while ago. Don't you think, Hobi?"

HS: "........"

JM: "Hobi?"

The smaller boy gets a feeling that something is off. Usually, the couple would cling onto each other when they meet but today, they are showing different kinds of asses. One is quiet, minding his own business while the other, avoiding eye contact.

JM: "Both of you, come with me!" Holding their hands, he drags both of them together with him to the cafeteria.



JM: "Now, tell me! What's with you two?"

Both just keep quiet.

JM: *annoyingly * "Are you gonna say anything or should I go from here? Is that what you want?"

YG: "He started first!"

HS: "It was all his fault."

JM: "Tell me from the start. What happened?"

HS: "He said that he's done with me."

JM: *widens eyes* "WHAT? Why Yoongi?"

YG: "What should I do then? He asks me hundreds of questions whenever he finds me talking to a girl or boy. Now, can't I talk with whoever I want? And when I reply to his texts a bit late, he thinks I'm ignoring him. It's freaking annoying."

HS: "He's making excuses because I found him cheating on me. Yesterday, when I called him as he was not at home, I heard a girl's voice and when I asked who she is, he hanged my call."

YG: *irritatingly* "How many times have I told you she's just my cousin sister. That time, she just jumped on me as she is kinda clingy. That's why the call got cut. If you don't believe me, I can call her for you."

HS: "Y-You just don't care about me." His voice was cracked as if he was about to cry.

YG: *disbelief* "When did we come to this?"

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