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I'm glad this business trip got ended earlier than expected. Finally, I can have some quality time with my wife, not only her but........

Glancing at the picture of my sons that I always keep in my wallet, my lips curved into a smile. *SIGHS* Hating them is not my thing. I love both of them whole heartedly. Seokjin never get along with his stepmother and always ends up having an argument with her. It's better that he is living separately. At least, the atmosphere of the house is stable. And for Jungkook, I hated sending him away but I had to be strict. It won't be good if he treats his mother as his brother treats me. Nevertheless however they are, they are my sons and I love them. Only if Seokjin could understand it.

I guess Jungkook's summer vacations has started. He must be with his brother right now. I want to see him but maybe he doesn't. What can be done? I will try to call him later.



He gets no answer when the aged male rings the doorbell of his house. Sighing, he uses spare keys to unlock the door and enters.

Loud chit chatting and giggling is heard from the living room as soon as he enters. Thinking, his wife has called some friends, he takes steps towards the room but suddenly halts on his place when he hears something unexpected. It was the conversation between his wife and her friends.

Sohee: "Don't you miss your husband?"

Mrs.Kim: "Hahaha! Are you crazy?Why would I miss him when I don't even love him?"

Sohee: "Oh yeah! Why would you? You married him for money after all. First impressing him with your charm then marrying him. Too wicked of you!"

Mrs.Kim: "Ikr! But what you are saying is too little of my wickedness."

Lia: "What else did you do?"

Mrs.Kim: *rolls eyes* "Such absent minded you are!"

Lia: "Tell me already!"

Mrs.Kim: "I bore his child in my stomach. Even not wanting to sleep with him but I had to otherwise he would be suspicious of me."

Sohee: "You mean your son, Jungkook!"

Mrs.Kim: "He's not my son. I just gave birth to him. That's all! And his big brother is just so annoying and ugly. No worries, I have got rid of both of them now."

Lia: "How?"

Mrs.Kim: "As you know, my so called husband trusts me too much. I turned him against his son, using my own dear baby. Hahaha! Now he is in hostel and the other one has left. It was like killing two birds with one arrow."

Sohee: "I feel bad for your husband. Hahaha!"

Mrs.Kim: "Why are we talking about those shits? Enjoy the party guys."

Lia: "Sure thing!"

Just then one of them stops talking and Mrs.Kim notices.

Mrs.Kim: "What happened to you Sohee? Why are you making shocked expression as if you saw my husband?"

Sohee: *wide eyes* "Be-because it's actually your husband." *Points to the door*

Mrs.Kim: "Ahh! Don't joke aroun-" When she looks towards the direction where her friend was pointing, she turns pale.

The male coldly glares at the other women, ordering to leave. Understandingly, they grab their bags and make their way towards the door, leaving the husband-wife alone.

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