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Jake: "Thank you so much for cooperating with us. This deal will bring us a lot of profit."

SJ: "It's my pleasure." *Shakes hand*

Seokjin comes out of the building, followed by his secretary.

SJ: "Mr.Han, when is the flight?"

Mr.Han: "You wanna go early? Hang out some more."

SJ: "Nah! I have a brother waiting for me at home."

Mr.Han: "Okay! The flight is tomorrow morning. Until then, stay in hotel."

SJ: "I can't wait to see my bro." *Excitedly*




It was so tiring. Finally, it's over. Sighing, I flopped on bed and opened my phone. I didn't get time to call him because of my busy schedule. Opening my phone, a notification popped up. It was my bunny's text.

Jk: "I miss you. Please come back!"

I smiled reading the text. Hyung is also missing you, my dear!

I should call him. The ring was going.

JK: *picks up* "Hyung!" *Cracked voice*

SJ: "Hey, my cottonball! I just saw your text. How have you been?"

JK: *sobs*

SJ: "Why are you crying, baby? Did you miss me that much? I'm coming back tomorrow. Don't cry."

JK: "You won't be able to s-see me."

SJ: "Wae?"

JK: "They.... they..."

In his cries, he told me everything which made my blood boil.

SJ: "Wait for me, Kook! I'll come to you."

JK: "Come soon, Hyung! Please!"

SJ: "I will."


The moment the flight landed in Korea, I immediately rushed down, running towards my house. Mr.Han kept calling me but I had no time to listen to him.



SJ: "MR.KIM! MR.KIM! COME OUT!" *Angrily shouts*

Mr.Kim: "This boy finally got words to talk to his father? WOW!"


Mr.Kim: "I'm his father. I did that for his own good."


Mr.Kim: "Look at this disgraceful behaviour of yours. It's better if Jungkook lives there than with you. I don't want him to be disrespectful like you."

SJ: "When was he disrespectful to you, huh? WHEN?"

Mr.Kim: "Don't be so innocent. Your mother told me everything."

SJ: *looks at his stepmother who has a proud smirk. That boy understands everything* "So, you believed whatever she said. Congratulations, Mr.Kim! You won again."

Mr.Kim: "Why do you always take me wrong?"

SJ: "Because, you were wrong from the start. You can't see my happiness. My last happiness, you sent him away. But no worries! I'll bring him back for sure." *Glances at the lady for one last time* "You old hag! DIE IN UGLINESS!"

Mrs.Kim: *lip sync* "SON OF A BITCH!"

Bursting out on his father, he comes out. He started his car and drove as fast as he could, towards Busan.


In four hours, he reached Busan, searching for the Hostel his brother mentioned. He got there by the help of some people.


SJ: "Kook?"

He calls the boy who was sitting on the bed, his head tugged between his legs and hands wrapped around his knees. Hearing the voice, younger looks up and ran to him, hugging him tightly.

SJ: *rubs his back* "Shh! Don't cry! Hyung's here now."

JK: "Hmm!" *Sniffles*


SJ: "I'm taking my brother back."

P: "Sorry, Mr.Kim but you can't do that."

SJ: "Why?"

P: "Our school is well known for its discipline. We have some strict rules and one of them is once you enter here, you can't go back until graduation. That's why, we can't cancel this admission."

SJ: "Fuck those rules!"

P: "Please, Mr.Kim! Try to understand.  Your brother won't regret coming here. Don't go against our rules."

SJ: *looks at Kook* "What should I do now?"

P: "He can visit you during vacations. And, you can come to meet him, anytime."

SJ: "Kook?"

JK: "It's okay, Hyung!" *sad smile*

SJ: *to principal* "So, I leave my brother in your care. Please take good care of him"

P: "We will! Rest assured!"

With heavy heart, Seokjin came out of the office with Jungkook. They reached the school gate.

SJ: "I'm sorry, Kook!"

JK: "Don't be! It's not your fault. Actually, I thought about it a lot and found that it's not that bad. That house isn't mine anymore. My only 'home' is my Hyung. I'm glad I don't have to see them, now." *Smiles*

In tears, the older pulled his brother in a tight hug.

SJ: "See you next summer."

JK: "You better call me everyday."

SJ: "I know. Also, don't let anyone look down on yourself. Never forget that you're the brother of Kim Seokjin."

JK: "Okay!"

Unwillingly, he walked to his car and sat inside, waving at Kook before leaving. The younger smiled and waved back, until his brother was out of sight.

When he left, Kook fell down on his knees, bursting into tears. He never thought, a day like this would come when he barely gets to see his beloved hyung.


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