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The day came when Jimin finally decided to leave the Kim's company as he was going to execute his long-awaited wish.


Our world wide handsome enters a workshop which belongs to his spouse. It was neither small, nor huge. From outside, the shop just looks simple but as you enter inside, you find yourself in a new and colourful world where darkness has no place. Many meaningful and handmade artworks were hanging on the wall while some of them were standing on the ground as canvases with the help of easels. A tiny picture frame was also there on the wall among the paintings which had the picture of the couple, holding each other with a smile.

SJ: "Jimin!" He calls out for his husband who's busy creating a new art piece, wearing a messy apron stained by the colours.

JM: "Hey Hyung! What's up?"

SJ: "Do your work later. I bought food for us. Let's take a break." *Shows the bag of food in his hands*

JM: "You can have it. I wanna finish it first."

SJ: "The world wide handsome escaped from his office to have lunch with his husband and you are saying no? Jimin, ever since you left I feel so alone there. I barely managed to come here during break. Can't you spend some time with me?" *Emotional blackmail*

JM: *sighs* "Okay Hyung! But you say it like I don't pay attention to you. We literally see each other at home."

SJ: "Alright -alright! My bad! Come here." *Sits on the couch*

The elder serves the food to both of them but gives his first bite to Jimin before eating.

SJ: "This place is wonderful. How are things going?"

JM: *munches his food* "Pretty good!"

SJ: "If you had let me help, you would have made your dream come true long ago."

JM: *chuckles* "I didn't ask help from my own parents, let alone you."

SJ: "Ahh! It hurts!"

JM: "Stop being dramatic. I'm done." He stands up and goes back to work. As he works, the older fondly looks at him with his softest eyes. Surely, it didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "Shouldn't you head back?"

SJ: "It won't hurt if I'm a bit late. My secretary is there to cover for me."

JM: "You sure give him a hard time. He'll get mad at you."

SJ: "He will but he loves me."

JM: "Taking advantage of him, huh?"

SJ: "Haha! He won't mind, Jimin! He's used to it."

JM: *rolls eyes* "Whatever!"

Some moments of silence. Slowly, the older gets up, taking steps towards the younger and holds him by his waist, Jimin lets out a shy smile.

JM: "What's with you?"

SJ: "Nothing! Am I disturbing you?"

JM: "Obviously not!" Dipping his index finger into the white colour of the palette he was holding, he made a dot on his husband's nose, making him scoff off.

SJ: "Yah! You ruined my beautiful faceu."

JM: "Hahaha! You still look so beautiful."

SJ: "You!" *Pulls him closer by waist, attaching their noses with each other. Now both look the same white-nosed. "Serves you right." *Windshield laugh*

The couple looks into each other eyes, feeling like just lost somewhere. Their love can't be described with words but the eyes tell everything.

JM: *smiles* "I want to have these moments with you all the time."

SJ: *smiles back* "We are always together forever. Thou forever is a lie but the memories are special that I'll never forget. In these memories, we'll have our bestest moments. That's how our life goes on."

JM: "Yeah! Life goes on, and on!"

Like that, they both share a sweet hug.

                     "Expectations can break but someone's efforts for you, last forever."


Hey, dear readers! Thanks a lot for reading my story.
Have a good day!
Saranghae! 💜

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