Special Romance

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My life turned upside down within just a few seconds and changed into something dark so quickly, I was still clueless what I could do to make everything look as it before. I blamed myself for not being enough good, I started to read to understand how to change myself for a better person, because I knew I would do anything to keep him, I wasn't sure why did I feel that way I just felt as he was the one I needed to find throughout my life, so no matter what circumstances we have I will regardless do my best.

We kept on talking, but I felt as if I was forcing him to talk to me, so after pushing it, we decided to take a break. It was only 5 days, no more, no less. He needed time which I understood, yet accepting that I was someone you can fall out of love withing just a month, shattered my heart and broke into small pieces. I didn't know whether it was really the best decision for us, we loved each other oh so much, however it became more likely one sided after a while. I was only thinking and my thoughts were spiralling in my head. I felt lost. It was eventually Sunday and end of the autumn break. I knew I had to go back to school. I had to talk to him about what we are going to do.

'I think a break is the best we can do, I will improve myself in those 5 days and will find the love I lost, I promise you that, I will come back normally.Also if you can give an access to your friend, I want to learn more about you and I will check up on you through her.'- he said.

'Okay, sure, but you will come back for sure right? You won't leave me, right?' – I asked in a huge fear.

'This break is temporary, I will come back to you, I promise.'

'Okay, thank you, I guess it is time to say goodbye.'

'Yep, please stay safe, eat enough, drink enough, make sure you sleep, for every night and morning, where I won't be here, good night and good morning, sleep well and have sweet dreams, take care of yourself regardless. I'm going to miss you a lot, I love you.'

'Farewell only temporary my dear, take care of yourself too, you too, drink and eat enough and make sure you get enough rest, do your best in school, good night and good morning for every day, I hope you will have a wonderful week, I love you too, see you on Friday.'

I can't describe what I felt at that night after our temporary goodbye, I felt broken and miserable. I knew it was going to be harder for me, because my feelings for him were stronger than ever, perhaps it was endless. I spent my night crying my eyes out, I didn't think that it can be so hard to say goodbye to a person you truly love nor that this would ever happen, but it was for its own goods. I knew we had the chance to make one last call, but my school was starting much earlier than his, so it was not possible and I felt just hopeless, I thought I could bunk class, but it was Monday and I always started with physical education.

The next day, I woke up pretty early, perhaps the pain inside my heart woke me up. I started tearing up, knowing he won't be there, there were no good morning nor good night texts. I got out of the bed, but I wished I didn't need to get up. I didn't feel good, everything around me was just against me, I felt empty, I wanted to run away from the daylight, however I got dressed and left for school. I was casually heading there and was getting ready for my lesson. Everything was alright by that time, I accepted the facts. We were playing some ball games. I got injured, I couldn't stand on my bare legs. I would rip the skin off of my knees. I was in pain, so my teacher called the ambulance and I got to the hostpital, I was scared and I was alone, then I remembered my friend had him, I immeditately texted her telling I want him, but she was asleep at home, because she didn't want to come that day. I felt so fearful, I needed someone as soon as possible, I had none of my parents there and they never cared about how I was doing so I just accepted it. I would wait there for hours, I got X-Rays done, thankfully I didn't break my knees, everything was fine but I tore a muscle ligament and I still couldn't walk. I was waiting for my check-up to be done. I went in and got injected in my legs, I also got 4 more anticoagulant so that I can inject myself at home, therefore I needed crutches too. I felt like crying and probably after I got out I started crying and went home. It was a rainy day and I knew I hated it so much.

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