Chapter 13

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Shadow's POV:

Everytime I see Sonic, my heart starts to beat faster and I feel weird...a feeling I couldn't put my name on. But one thing I know is that I hate that feeling. I could still replay everything that happened last night. I could feel it happening again and again in my head and I hate it. The more it replays the more it makes my heart race faster. I gave up trying to sleep, even though it was probably early morning and I should have slept. It was all because of that stupid sonic. For some reason when he makes that stubborn grin I can't help but to like it. This feeling was new...I never felt it. I turned my body to face the wall hoping I will get comfortable, forget this 'new' feeling, and just start sleeping but I should have known that's not what will happen. I felt a surge of anger travel through my body. I grumbled angry and got outside of my bed. Why did I have to wake up so early? I thought angrily before climbing out the window to view the sun starting to rise. The sun slowly started rising higher, lighting up the dimmed world. I stared at it hoping it would erase all the problems going on right now. Memory loss, this new feeling, people, etc.

I could escape, and i would once I find out more about myself. The only clue to learning my past is sonic and once I find out i'm leaving. All I need is my 'chaos emerald' or at least that's what sonic calls it. I seem to have some connection with that emerald which causes me to warp, to warp out which I will once I'm done finding out my past. Maybe...If I stay I could find out more about Maria. I sighed calmy for the first time being here. Something about the sunrise reminds me of how beautiful space used to be. The sunrise made me forget my worries, these weird championships and escaping. Fora reason I can't tell, I don't want to leave sonic. If i escape i would be leaving him...and i don't want to. But why?

I sat outside for who knows how long but I didn't care, still I had to go inside before anyone woke up so reluctantly I got up and slipped in through the window landing quietly. I slipped back into the covers of the bed and gently placed my head on the pillow but only to realize something...

In panic and anger I looked under the pillow to find out my chaos emerald was gone and there was only one thing that could have happened. Someone stole the emerald, my emerald. I will find out who stole it and make them pay.

Orbot's POV:

"Why couldn't the boss just do it himself?" Cubot complained to me through the vents a little louder than he meant. "Shhh!" I hushed Cubot. "What?" asked Cubot again loudly, making me slightly annoyed. "Shhhhh!" I hushed cubot again. "Shadow will hear us and we don't want that to happen so we should be quiet" I explained to cubot. I made a small peak through the vent to see shadow's ears perked up meaning he heard cubot. Panicking, I hurried cubot through the vents making him move along. "Hurry up! I think the shadow must've heard us!" I exclaimed. Inside my mind he thought more like he heard you but he decided to keep that to himself. The last thing that I wanted to do was deal with the shadow when he's angry. The thought itself could mess up his programming. Cubot and I crawled through the vents until they reached the rooftop where we were supposed to go. Eggman was supposed to send a vehicle so he could pick us up with the shadow's chaos emerald just like we planned. Everything was going according to plan except...that there was an angry shadow on top of the building with us.

"You're not supposed to be on the rooftop!" Cubot scolded but all that did was make the shadow roll his eyes even more furious. "And you weren't supposed to steal my emerald!" when he said that it didn't make sense. Wasn't he supposed to forget everything, even his emerald? "Uhhhh what an emerald? You mean a shiny green emerald with chaos energy? Never heard of it" Cubot said incredibly, making me facepalm. "We don't have any emeralds! In Fact were cleaners!" I said matter of factly hoping we could escape without turning into metal scrap. Clearly from my expression he wasn't buying it. "My question is what are you doing here, shadow? Aren't you supposed to be inside in your room" I said hoping he would drop the subject.

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