Chapter 8

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Narrators POV:

Sonic approached a yellow two-tailed fox who was holding a reach in one hand repairing the propeller on the small plane. The azure hedgehog spoke too the two-tailed fox "Whew. Good to go or what, Tails?" Sonic started to tap his arm impatiently but he wasn't angry with the fox. The two-tailed fox who's name was tails approached sonic saying "I've built a tv out of paperclips-" "yea," interrupted Sonic. "...and reprogrammed a supercomputer using dishwasher detergent and a toothpick!" exclaimed tails. "I know," said sonic impatient. "So look, fixing a propeller on a biplane? That's about as difficult as taking a nap." told the young fox. His tails began to intertwine allowing him to fly. He pushed the propeller as it started to spin causing wind. "Kay, I didn't need your whole life story. A simple 'good to go' would have been cool." the azure one said impatiently. "Alright, good to go!" cheered the fox. "Cool!" Sonic cheered back and they both headed into the airplane.

The scene changed and shadow was next the azure hedgehog. "You got a plan faker?" he growled. "Who needs a plan when you got speed!" The cocky hedgehog replied. "Sonic this is not a game. Eggman is trying to take over the world and we need a plan to stop him!" shadow told sonic as they were over eggman's base. "Then you come up with one!" sonic argued. "I did, now all you do is listen!" he hissed and sonic rolled his eyes. "I'm more of a leader not a follower so here's my plan. We go down there and beat eggman's butt!" sonic suggested and shadow rolled his eyes. "That is not a plan!" shadow said. "Too bad!" Sonic said before he jumped of the ledge facing eggman's army of robots making shadow growl "He never listens" under his breath.

Sonic woke up late once again like yesterday since he stayed up that night. Another dream just great. Sonic thought. At Least I can tell sonic what I found out. "Finally, for the fastest thing in the world you sure take your time sleeping!" Knuckles complained. "Well the fastest thing in the world needs its rest." Sonic said stretching and getting out of bed. "Next time if you don't wake up I'm going to throw a bucket of water at you!" Knuckles said. "Don't do that! That's rude!" Amy scolded knuckles. "It's ok Amy. Knuckles doesn't have the guts to do it because he knows better than to mess with me!" Exclaimed the azure hedgehog. "Yea right! I'm surprised breakfast hasn't started yet I'm starving!" Knuckles said. "I swear you're always hungry!" Complained about the pink hedgehog. "No I'm not! I just want breakfast!" Knuckles said. "Why can't you just eat food from the fridge?" Silver suggested. Sonic just realized that silver was there since he usually hangs out with the dark hedgehog name Mephiles. "Yea see, silvers smart! You should learn from him!" Sonic teased knuckles. Silver made a small smile at Sonic's comment but all knuckled did was get angrier. "Once we get out of here I'm going to make sure you get a therapist so they can help with your anger issues." Sonic said grinning. "Now let me brush my teeth." He got up and threw a pillow at knuckles and before knuckles could retort Sonic zoomed away. Sonic tried to ignore his dream until night were he could tell shadow about it.

Sonic got ready by brushing his teeth and came back to the group. Most of the Mobians in the tournament take a bath later in the evening and sonic is one of them. "Missed me?" Asked sonic as he sat down on the coach with his legs on the table with his group. "Your acting like it's been years since we met," Knuckles told sonic. "Maybe, but that didn't change the fact that you guys missed me." Sonic told knuckles. "Isn't the tournament starting today?" Asked the pink hedgehog. "Probably, I hated the last tournament and I hate when I remember it." Shuddered sonic remembering the awful memory. Knuckles huffed "I swear that bat is going to make us lose again!" Knuckles complained. "Maybe she isn't the one lacking and it's you?" Sonic said, making knuckles angry again. "Ugh!" Knuckles grumbled making sonic laughter. "Aw poor knuckles got mad he's losing the tournament" sonic teased. "You lost too," knuckles pointed out. "That's different!" Sonic said retorted. "I don't know about this tournament, I don't think I'm going to win..." silver said a little sadly. "That's because you're going to lose to me!" Sonic said confidently. "Sonic! Be respectful," Amy replied as silver slumped and sonic quickly changed his words trying not to get on her bad side "what I meant is...that it's hard to win against me and it's no big deal!" Sonic said and looked at Amy who was glaring at him. "What I meant to say is...that is this round it's gonna be better that the first one since now we're prepared!" And silver despite feeling a bit doubtful he smiled. "Thanks sonic," he said.

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