Chapter 6

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Narrator's POV:

After being outdoors for an hour everyone went back to their assigned room's. Sonic sat next to silver who both talked while scourge talked to a red wolf and a bat who's name is 'rouge'. Time passed by while each of the mobians found new ways to spend their time locked up. Night was coming closer as the hours passed by. Sonic bored past limits complained to silver about how unfair it was that they weren't allowed outside. "I swear, that egghead is getting on my nerves!" and silver laughed lightly asking "'egghead?' you need to come up with better names!" Silver exclaimed but Sonic rolled his eyes asking Silver "Can you come up with a better one?" and Silver replied "No, cause I don't call people names," he said in his childish voice and pouted. "Your too nice silver" sonic said and silver smiled at himself and agreed to sonic "Yes, I am." Suddenly a door opened to the right and a black jackal opened the door. The door was found yesterday night when sonic entered it but sonic at the moment completely forgot the door existed and was surprised to see the jackal. The jackal looked at sonic who had a small crush on him thinking he was cute. Infinite, the jackal tried his best to hide his blush. "Sorry, we ran out of food in the refrigerator and we opened the door to ask if you guys have any spare food. Eggman didn't restock ours." Infinite explained the surprised mobians in the living room. "Sure," said a red wolf and went to the refrigerator and grabbed a ziplock and walked over to infinite and handed him the ziplock. The jackal thanked the red wolf and left the room leaving the rest of the mobians free to talk in their conversations. "Wait, silver maybe since we found a door to travel rooms, maybe we can meet knuckles since he's in the other room." Sonic pointed out happily. "Yea! said silver in agreement." Sonic and Silver continued to talk there for a while until silver began to get exhausted. "You eggman really needs to put a clock in the room so we can tell the time," Complained Sonic. Sonic always found a way to complain about Eggman which was a lot. 

Meanwhile with doctor eggman:

"What do you mean! Are you saying I'm being rude!" Bellowed the middle aged man who's name was doctor eggman. There was the red robot with a sphere shaped head and yellow robot with a cube shaped head. "No, your so very generous all i'm saying is-" The red robot was cut off by the yellow robot "Is that it's boring being in that room with no tv!" and eggman growled "I swear I'll turn you too into metal scrap!" and both of the robot shook with fear. "No not that!" Cubot, the yellow robot yelled. "We just think it shows more of your true colors if you add some entertainment. After all, you're such a kind, loving, humble gentleman." Orbot, the red robot lied to get eggman's attention. "Well, I let them go outside! What more do you want?" He growled and sadly the yellow robot replied "We want them to have a tv!" and once he said that he realized how big of a mistake it was. "THERE WILL BE NO TV!! NOW GO BEFORE YOU'LL BE METAL TRASH!" he growled and when both robots cowered and quickly scattered away eggman mumbled "but you already are metal trash..." and he chuckled to himself.

Back to sonic:

It was time for sonic to go to bed and he tried. He climbed into my bunk bed which was the top one on the 3rd row. He tossed and turned, and closed his eyes but nothing that he did was near to sleep. Sonic was never used to staying at one place longer than sleeping at night. He couldn't remember much but he knew he traveled, running from place to place at immense speed. After all, he was the fastest thing alive. Nothing would help with the uncomfort until he had a stupid idea but nothing told him he couldn't do it.

Sonic's POV:

I got out of my bed, and stretched for a bit, my legs still being stiff. I'll just take a short run, what's the harm? He sneaked up to the window ready to jump out when suddenly a voice behind his back said "Sonic?" which startled me, causing me to almost trip. It was embarrassing but would be more embarrassing if I tripped and fell on my face causing everyone in the room to wake up. "Sonic? What are you doing?" It was a soft, childish voice that he could clearly tell it was silver. "Hey silver...whatsup?" he said, trying not to sound too guilty. "Are you trying to escape?" he asked with a little fear in his voice. Sonic thought for a moment. He could run fast wherever he wanted in less than a minute. He could escape..but i can't leave silver, knuckles, and chili dogs. He thought to himself. "No," I finally answer, which in normal standards I would never take that long to reply to somebody. "I am just bored and going out on a midnight stroll, what's wrong with that?" I said and was about to jump out the window when Silver said "Wait!" and once again I tripped. I would have fallen if silver didn't catch me with his powers. "Thanks," I whispered quietly to him and he replied quietly "your welcome." and sadly he put me down.

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