Chaper 4

154 6 3

Sonic POV:

I stared at him for a moment before picking up my pace to run. It took only a second to reach and to my suprise shadow was here with me. So he could run fast too. Once we reached it I scanned the area and so did the shadow. There was a lake surrounding the island in the middle and on the land was a lighthouse. Through the windows you could see eggman's killing machine. Shadow slowly walked up to what looked like a normal lake and checked it. "There are piranhas in this one so all you need to do is run on the water." Shadow said look at me but I didn't reply. I couldn't go near that lake, it was terrifying. My heart started to beat faster than it normally should, my breath began to get heavy and all I could say was that I looked in the water with fear. "Are you scared of the piranhas?" asked Shadow in annoyance. He sighed angrily and said "Hey. Snap back to reality we need to get in that light house and you can run on the water because of your speed. You'll be too fast for the piranhas." he explained and waited for me to go. "No! uh..I mean you should go, you're fast enough to run on water too." I said waving my hand to go. "I can't wet my rocket shoes," he said again, sounding more irritated than before. "Rocket shoes?-" I asked but then I got cut off by him interrupting me. "We don't have much time we need to get across fast so would you stop talking?" he snapped. "Ok...but what will you do?" I asked. "Distract the piranhas so you can pass freely" he said, now getting impatient.

I looked at the lake again and my stomach turned. I felt my breath get heavy again, I don't know why but I didn't want to go near the lake, or any body of water for that matter. I felt a pain in my gut and I looked back at the shadow and asked "What if...I slipped and fell?" I asked and he growled and said "We don't have much time!" He went to the shore and grabbed a sharp stick. "Go!" he yelled and I couldn't help but to blurt out "What if I drown?" and then he rolled his eyes and yelled "You're scared of water!"

"No, I'm scared of drowning in water!" I yelled back. "There's a difference," and then threw the stick in anger hard in the lake, making the piranha swim away from the impact it made. "Wow, someone has anger issues," I joked. "This is not a time to joke, we need another plan." he said and he looked around. "We can either find something to create a bridge or try to make an impossible jump" he talked to himself so I decided not to interrupt him. "Look shadow calm down-" he cut me off. "How do you know my name?" He asked and I pointed to the tag then he asked "Who said you can use it?" and I replied "who said I couldn't?" and I grinned. He growled and grumbled "we're going nowhere!"

"Look I can't swim can't you?"

"I won't be fast enough" he replied "Now quit talking and start doing something!" I held back a growl. Seriously, what's wrong with him? "Come on, you just need to calm down and figure out a plan!" I said with a smile trying to warm things out. "Don't call me shads," he replied and before I could open my mouth he backed away and ran at full speed and landed on the island. "Stay there, and stand still" he said and rolled his eyes and replied "It's not in my nature to stand still"

Before he could even enter the lighthouse, there was a buzzing sound in the lighthouse and everything was quiet. "We got a winner everyone! Say congratulations to fleetway and scourge winning the first round. No go back into your rooms, they might have had an interesting change I recently added to your rooms now that you know your partners." The speakers turned off leaving me with an awkward tension. "Great scourge won. I bet he's going to shove it in my face when I get back. Lucky me," I grumbled and kicked a rock next to me. I heard Shadow mumble about leaving and then he looked at me and yelled "this is your fault, no with you as my partner it's going to be impossible to get out of here now!" I stared blankly for a second and with a cocky smile I replied "You really need to get your anger issues checked because it's going to get on someone's nerve" We both glared at each other

"I swear, it wouldn't have killed you to listen would it?"

"It would kill me to listen to you"

"Would you stop joking around!"

"No, not really," I grinned

Reader's POV:

He came up to Sonic and pushed him down in anger. Again, seriously what's wrong with this guy. sonic thought to himself. He got back up and dusted himself off and said "I don't think pushing people helps you make friends." He said with a cocky grin "I'm not trying to make friends," and Sonic joked again saying "I can tell." All Shadow did in reply was roll his eyes and started to walk away when something slipped from his fur and sonic picked it up to see a young girl with blond hair and she wore a blue headband, she had blue eyes that sparkled and glowed, she wore a blue dress that matched her hair. Sonic immediately recognized her from my dream. A sudden went through him like he just got a flashback. He didn't remember the entire dream but she knew that he needed to find out who she was. "Who's this?" sonic asked, showing the shadow of the paper which was a big mistake. "GIVE THAT BACK!" he yelled and aimed a punch at him and he dogged it and that's how the fight started. Shadow aimed a kick to sonic head but sonic ducked and kneed him in the stomach knocking him down but he quickly got back up dashing toward sonic but sonic being momentarily fasted quickly dodged him. He's too fast, I need to trick him. Shadow thought. "Give it back i'm not going to ask again," he growled and sonic said in reply "Not until you tell me who is she!" he yelled wanting to know how shadow knows the girl who was in his dream. This time Sonic aimed his attack. He attempted to sidekick his head. He thought he would dodge to the right giving him an opportunity to tackle him, at least that's what he thought. Instead, he ducked underneath and grabbed him from the back and tackled him and pinned him down.

The momentary stared at each other. Shadow was on top of sonic grabbing a hold of both his arms and pinned his legs down with his knees. The ruby eyes glared at the emerald ones but the emerald ones only glared back. Finally Shadow grabbed the picture leaving sonic with a bunch of questions and no answers.

I know this chapter is shorter than the other ones. I'll make it up to you with the other chapter. Bye~

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