Chapter 10

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Sonic POV:

I woke up with a jolt. Once I woke up the first thing I thought was I wanna go back to sleep, and I probably would have if I didn't have a weird dream to scan over. Honestly I hate these dreams. I get there all so confusing but then again it helps me get to know my past a little better. Ugh why did eggman have to take our memories! I thought. The next tournament shouldn't be starting until a few days later which is a good thing. I should tell Shadow about this...But this time I didn't want to. I know we're in this together but it just felt embarrassing. Like what am I supposed to say? That we hated each other? I think he knows that even without my help but as we get to work together more often I guess we hate each other...less? I guess that's better? I looked around and thankfully I was the only one awake which was a surprise because I usually wake up late. I looked out the window and it was still dark but the sun is starting to rise now. How early did I wake up? I wanted to go back to sleep, my eyes were droopy, my legs were tired and ached, and I had a great desperation to just fall on my bed and never get up again.

I tried sleeping, but it didn't work. I closed my eyes but all that did was cause me to toss and turn. I was exhausted but my body didn't want me to sleep. Great. I thought to myself. I gave up on trying to sleep all because I knew I couldn't. Once I finally got up I decided I wanted to go on a run and stretch out my legs. I climbed out of the window when I heard a voice above me yell "Finally, now give me answers!" and I looked up to see scourge. What is he doing up early in the morning? I asked myself when I started to remember what he told me yesterday. Dang...I forgot. Glad I at least woke up. "Not everything though" I told him just to confirm to him and he nodded immediately before climbing up the roof too. "So give me answers!" he demanded. "First, give me questions!"

He rolled his eyes and asked "If you remembered about your past at first why didn't you tell everyone about it when I asked?" he asked angrily but sadly I couldn't blame him. If everyone in that room had a missing memory except this one guy he would probably be the only clue to what's going on with everyone else. "I didn't have any memories in the first place, honest." He eyed me Suspiciously and said "Then why did you tell that emohog about your memory?" he asked, raising his brow and I tried to hold my laughter back. I snickered a bit but then I finally said "I told him- because it was a dream! And somehow I dream about my past!" I explained to him. "So why didn't you tell everyone else?" He asked.

To think about it maybe I should have told everyone else but I didn't want everyone to get involved in the first place. Telling scourge is already bad enough. "I told you I'm not going to tell you everything!" I told him and he smirked. "I get it, you're scared~" he teased and I rolled my eyes. I was already tired from waking up and the first thing I had to do was get interrogated by scourge. "Look, I want to get out as much as you can scourge!" I told him and he nodded. "Alright alright my bad whatever." He said but he didn't entirely look sorry. "Why can you dream about your past but we can't?" He asked and I answered honestly. "I really don't know," I shrugged. "I'd like to know too," I told him and he nodded like he wasn't paying attention making me angry but I tried holding it in as much as I could. What is it with this guy? He asked me questions but he didn't listen to the answers! "Ok...I guess that's all." He said. "You promise you won't tell the others?" I asked and he grinned saying "Well I'm not sure about a promise but I'll try keeping it a secret," and once he said it I knew it was a lie. It was clear he wasn't going to try anything. The anger in my gut swelled. "You told me if I answer your questions you won't tell anyone!"

"Again, you didn't make me promise" he grinned and I frowned. "Just keep it a secret, it isn't that hard!" I told him but he rolled his eyes still not telling me a yes or a no. Slowly, it was getting on my nerves but I let it go. I heard a noise downstairs, probably from the bedrooms meaning that the others are awake now. "If you wanted it as a secret then why did you tell it to..." "Shadow-" I said, cutting in to inform him. "Yea, shadow, whatever. So why did you tell him?" He asked and I never really had an answer for that. Shadow and I are in this together. I thought but that was personal to me. It was meant for only me to know and I'd like it to stay that way. "That is personal." I said , causing him to smirk but he didn't say anything. "Well, blue I would stay but I don't want to say bye." he said, sliding down a slope next to the roof.

Against all odds [sonadow]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang