Part 15

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Neteyam walked quietly, baby Nahele in his arms. He had arrived just a month ago and life was incredible. He had mated with his mate, Ao'nung, just the night before and he felt full. It was beautiful, he felt beautiful.
Neteyam pushed back his braids and watched as Nahele moved around playfully.

" Aren't you just a happy baby?" Neteyam chuckled, smiling down at Nahele.

Nahele of course couldn't respond but he was in fact a happy baby. Neteyam cooed and cooed, poking Nahelel's chubby cheeks. He squished them and watched as Nahele made a cute little spit bubble.
Nahele was now 6 months and he was forever happy. He was teething and wanted to bite almost everything which was adorable but dangerous as well.

" You are adorable you know that?" Neteyam baby talked.

" Just like you then." Ao'nung stated, swaying as he walked closer.

Neteyam turned and smiled with his bunny teeth. His cheeks squished together and he looked younger whenever he smiled.
He tilted his head and his eyes rounded. Neteyam bowed his head and watched as Ao'nung kissed his cheek.

" Good morning Ma'Teyam." Ao'nung stated, looked at the baby and kissing his forehead.

" Good morning, how was training?" Neteyam asked.

Ao'nung was training since he was going to become Olo'eytkan during the festival which was amazing timing. He needed to wake up quite early for these trainings and injuries were common. However, Neteyam himself trained alongside Tsireya and Kiri who were learning to become Tsahik/healers.
Neteyam normally took care of young Nahele since technically he was still healing and Ao'nung was responsible for helping with food storage.

" It was long." Ao'nung chuckled.
" I got a bit of a cut."

" Do we need to go home now?" Neteyam asked.

" No need, Kiri was able to patch me up." Ao'nung replied and Neteyam smiled at ease.

" Good. I was just on my morning walk, why?" Neteyam chuckled.

" Well, Jake was speaking with me. Something with...animals?" Ao'nung shrugged.

" And?" Neteyam asked.

" Well, according to tests with Norm and the lab I am allergic." Ao'nung sighed and Neteyam frowned.
" But, I do wish to allow you brother to get one, along with my sister." Ao'nung stated.

" Oh Ao'nung. Your change in heart weakens me sometimes." Neteyam chuckles and kissed him passionately.

" Does it? Does it make you flustered?" Ao'nung teased.

" Oh yes." Neteyam chuckled and kissed Ao'nung's shoulder.

" Well then." Ao'nung replied and bopped the baby's nose.

" He's teething." Neteyam smiled.

" Teething? Already?" Ao'nung asked and watched the baby open his mouth to smile.

" Yep. Ma says he's the happiest baby's she's ever seen, and Tuk was quite a happy baby." Neteyam chuckled.

" Well that's because he's got the best papa." Ao'nung smiled.

" You really think so...?" Neteyam whispered.

" Always Ma'Teyam. Now come. Let us boil some jellyfish I caught today." Ao'nung stated, caressing Neteyam's cheek.

" Okay. I have been craving that for some time." Neteyam sighed.
" How is Manaia? I've heard she has been sick..." Neteyam whispered.

Manaia was Ao'nung's youngest sister, it had been a difficult delivery but she was a healthy small baby girl. She was feisty like her mother in fact and she grew her curls quite quickly.
Neteyam loved Manaia dearly and she always smiled whenever he was around. Nahele and Manaia seemed to be inseparable.

" She is doing much better." Ao'nung smiled and held the baby for Neteyam.

" I feel so..happy." Neteyam chuckled and looked at Ao'nung.

" Really? Why?" Ao'nung chuckled back, striking Neteyam's braids.

" Life feels so complete Ao'nung." Neteyam whispered, swaying softly.

" I'm glad you are back and healthy. I needed you." Ao'nung whispered.

" Ao'nung?" Neteyam questioned and stopped walking.

" Yes?" Ao'nung replied.

" I want to live with you. I want our house to be filled with children." Neteyam stated clearly.

" You do-?" Ao'nung breathed out and Neteyam cupped his face and kissed him.

" Yes. I love you. I never want to let you go again. Ewya has thought me that." Neteyam replied.

" Then...We will live together. And our family with be as big as the stars in the sky." Ao'nung declared and Neteyam smiled brightly.

" Thank you." Neteyam whispered.

" Anything for you, Ma'Teyam." Ao'nung replied.

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