CH 4.1 Who's the Monster?

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Gabe and Cale stepped out in the muted light of dawn, packs hoisted on their backs. In addition to trading goods, their mission was to collect information that could be useful. While they were gone, Rile taught Alex his limited knowledge of cooking. She dutifully tasted each spice and tried to file away the taste and name for future reference.

"How'd you like to swim in the ocean?" Rile asked after he finished.

Alex let out a joyous squeal and clapped her hands together in delight - something Rile had never seen her do before. "I want to try something," she said, blushing lightly.

Taking off his shoes, Rile smiled at her confidently. "You can try anything with me," he said with a smirk.

Alex returned the smile shyly. "It's about flying and swimming," she said.

Rile smiled in anticipation as he clasped Alex's hand and felt her slipstream surge around them. He watched his wings open when they flew through the air to the beach.

She flew straight up and then cut her slipstream. Rile's stomach dropped as they plummeted downwards in a free fall. She re-engaged her slipstream right before they hit the water. Rile beheld the vibrant colors of life under the sea until Alex surged upwards again. His wings opened wide once more and he reveled in the sensation of them adjusting.

They flew just over the surface of the water and Rile reached down and ruffled the surface of the water. Alex gained altitude and banked this way and that. With every left and right turn, barrel roll, and dip below the surface of the waves, Rile grew more enthralled by each movement.

Finally, with one last swoop above the tide, Rile hugged Alex close and spotted a glimmering ray of sun shining off something in the distance. They descended onto the shoreline and basked in a moment of pure bliss.

Rile released her when a glimmer caught his eye. "Alex, look."

A circle of light shone on the ground, like a portal, but this one was rimmed with tongues of red and black flames. Four-legged, pitch-black toad-like creatures boiled out from within it, each snarling wildly. Alex gasped in fear as Rile scrambled for his sword.

Acting faster than thought, Alex flew towards them, her heart thudding in her chest. The closest creature turned to face her—a slimy black muzzle with multiple rows of yellowed teeth. Horribly enough, it had no eyes. That didn't stop it from making a very accurate swipe at Alex with razor-like claws. She blasted it with a full general charge. It shrieked and collapsed in on itself.

That's convenient: won't be much clean up.

Alex watched Rile in awe as he gracefully maneuvered around the creatures, his sword slicing through their thick hides like butter. She admired the ripple of muscles across his back and shoulders as he moved, barely turning her attention away from him when another creature lunged at her.

She blasted it with a powerful stream of energy and saw with annoyance that the portal remained open. The black creatures continued to pour out of the gaping maw, and she blasted at the portal in frustration. The explosion created a powerful shockwave that sent Alex, Rile, and the creatures flying backwards into the sand. She was still recovering when another creature jumped her, only to be cut down by Rile's sword before it could reach her.

"Airborne! Now!" Rile shouted.

Rile shouted "Airborne! Now!" and Alex grabbed his hand and they shot into the air.

Loud cries from the marketplace made her change course abruptly towards them. As she approached she saw two figures amidst a mass of Aga,a running and screaming - Gabe and Cale swinging swords.

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