CH 16.2 A New Ally

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The sun shone bright in the clear blue sky, casting a warm glow on Alex and Rile as they soared through the sky. They reveled in the sensation of speed, occasionally letting out whoops of joy as she pushed herself to fly even faster. After they flew for hours, Rile pointed downwards towards a sprawling landscape of green fields and winding rivers below where a group of Agama marched.

Argo looked up and waved enthusiastically, face alight with delight, not at all a somber Clan Heir. His troops lined up behind him and all looked up with curiosity. Alex was glad they didn't point any weapons at them. Argo held his arms wide open as soon as they were near. Alex was happy to set down in front of him with Rile in tow. Rile hugged him tightly and then dragged Alex into the embrace. Argo chuckled in his deep bass voice, and Alex loved how it rumbled through her. She looked up and saw he had unusual golden-brown eyes.

"Well, well, well, look who the Portal Guardian Called," Rile said with a mixture of teasing and pride. "She must be desperate."

Argo laughed heartily and clapped him on the shoulder. He did the same to Alex, who staggered slightly. "So true!" he proclaimed. "And now we are allies! Perhaps the Portal Guardian will allow me to join your team after this epic battle, eh?" Argo winked at Alex and elbowed her, who oof'd slightly.

Rile wagged a claw in his face. "No getting out of being Clan Heir and all that stuffiness. You and Gabe can talk all about it when we arrive at camp. Gaza would like nothing better than to sink his claws into Gabe as his heir."

Alex rubbed her side ruefully and Argo looked down at her in repentance.

"Now is not the time for such talk," Argo pronounced. He turned and signaled at what was obviously one of his generals. "Now we shall discuss what we face: The Adversary itself. Shall we fly?" When the indicated Agama approached, Argo told him, "General Arad, lead the troops while I discuss tactics with the Guardians."

The general nodded and said, "And calm them while they see their Clan Heir fly off."

Argo laughed again and waved at his mass of troops. "Obey General Arad while I speak with the Guardians in the air! Be strong and steady!" he boomed. He took Rile's and Alex's hands and raised them over his head, making Alex feel vaguely like a prize fighter.

When he winked at them, Rile whispered to Alex, "Take off now, but slowly."

Alex flew up but circled the troops so that they could see their Clan Heir, and Argo waved in his usual magnificent manner. His troops cheered and Alex threw light, sparkling blasts over the crowd as a firework show. They cheered even harder.

"So, tell me what we face," Argo said as Alex flew lazy figure eights over his marching troops.

Alex zoned in and out of the discussion, always bored by strategic planning. She amused herself with various aerial acrobatics, but always at a slow speed to not alarm the army. The slipstream generator obligingly provided all the energy she needed, so when they landed for lunch, she was happy to return to the air. That way, Rile and Argo could talk and plan in private, while still in view of Argo's army.

The rest of the day until sunset was spent with the army marching and Rile and Argo talking while Alex flew them. When they weren't discussing strategy, they talked about harvests and the annual migration, the conflicts within and between clans, and Alex was just as bored. It wasn't until the sun started setting that Alex grew nervous. She wanted to speak to Rile in private, yet there was no polite way to shake off Clan Heir Argo.

She fidgeted so much at dinner that Argo looked at her with concern.

"Whatever is the matter, Guardian?" he asked in such a sweet tone that Alex felt her heart twist.

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