CH 8.2 The Big Revelation

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"Alex deserves better than someone uniting to her to avoid his responsibilities," Gabe's voice was like a blade, slicing through Alex as he spoke.

The pain splashed right into an ocean of anger. Alex felt her face heat—her cheeks grew warm and flushed red with anger. Her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she looked Gabe in the eye and yelled at him. "Don't you dare act so self-righteous! At least this Taba won't spear me like Cla did when I rescued your son!"

The world fell a thousand feet for all of them and they stared at her.

"Fire truck." Alex sat down and put her head in her hands.

"My what?" Gabe stormed, his color flushed the darkest gold it had ever been, and his eyes narrowed into thin slits.

"You heard me!" Alex sprang to her feet, full of fury again. "Your son! By Cla! The Portal Guardian sent me back to rescue him!"

"You didn't tell me?!" Gabe shouted.

Alex threw up her hands. "No! I've always kept secrets from you, don't you remember? It's what destroyed us. Why should this be any different?"

Before she could react, his hands clamped onto her arms and shook her hard. "Where is he?"

"He's with you." She threw off his hands. "Sort of."

Gabe stepped back and crossed his arms tightly across his chest as he studied her face. "What does that mean?"

Alex's fists slowly unclenched and her posture softened as she felt the fight drain out of her. "He's with you, in a way," she sighed, her shoulders slumping as she lowered herself to the floor. "He's safe and loved, surrounded by those who can protect him. Isn't that the most important thing?"

Gabe's eyes darkened as he loomed over her. His voice took on a dangerous tone. "There are a lot of other things to consider. Tell me Alex: where is he?"

Alex sprang to her feet with fresh anger surging through her veins. She glared up at him defiantly. "I took him where the Portal Guardian took us. If you want answers, ask her."

"This is the worst thing you've ever done to me," Gabe hissed in return, his jaw clenched in fury.

Alex stared at Gabe with challenge flaming in her eyes. "Do you really want to go over all the terrible things we've done to each other?"

Gabe was seething, his face twisted with rage. "No, I want to know about this son you say I have."

Alex didn't flinch, and her eyes were as stony as Gabe's were dark. "And two daughters. Did I mention them? Or the other son that Cla murdered?" Her voice was cold and hard, filled with malicious intent.

Gabe froze in disbelief. His tone shifted from anger to shock. "No. You. Did. Not," he said. "Murdered? My other son?"

Alex remained unruffled, unfazed by his warnings. "So I'm told. That's what Called the Portal Guardian. Your daughters are fine little warriors, I'm told. Ready to slit my throat to please mommy dearest."

Cale stepped forward, bravely placing himself between them. His voice shook as he exclaimed, "Stop it! I can't stand to watch you two tearing huge chunks of flesh out of each other's hearts."

Alex and Gabe paused for a moment before Alex remarked, "We're very good at it."

Gabe added darkly, "Lots of practice."

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