CH 12.1 Old Enemies

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Alex winced and rubbed her right shoulder as they exited the training ring.

"What's wrong?" Cale asked, noticing her discomfort.

"It's just a little sore," Alex replied, trying to hide her pain.

"Let me look," Cale said in a soothing tone, placing a hand on her shoulder. He gently prodded and massaged her tense muscles. "Tight too," he observed. "But don't worry, I have a surprise for you."

A smile spread across Alex's face and she clapped her hands in excitement. "I love your surprises!" she exclaimed, but then blushed in embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Cale reassured her as he continued to massage her shoulder. "This is your home now, and it's okay to be happy."

Cale led them through the bustling campsite, the sounds of bleating goats and murmuring voices filling the air. They passed a small creek, where children played and women washed clothes. Finally, Cale stopped in front of a tiny, brightly colored tent in a wooded area. He proudly announced, "May I present: your sun shower."

Alex rushed inside and gasped at what she saw - a makeshift shower set up in the center of the tent, with a large bag hanging from a tall pole.

"This will help cleanse you and disconnect you from Morgan's grasp," Cale explained, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as she hugged Cale tightly, feeling grateful for his thoughtful gesture. As he gently ran his claws over her back, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

"Before I get all emotional, can someone please show me how this shower works?" Alex asked.

Cale released her from their embrace and demonstrated by turning a valve on the bag, causing water to sprinkle down from multiple holes.

Alex eagerly felt the water and let out a happy sigh. "Perfect temperature. Okay, everybody out. I absolutely love showers, and this is easily one of the best gifts I've ever received.

Rile pouted. "I have to leave?"

"Just for the first one." Alex patted the side of his muzzle.

Cale gestured towards a small wooden table beside the water trough. "I made some laundry soap that's gentle on your skin, as well as towels crafted by skilled weavers and an extra set of clothes for you to wear. Enjoy," he said with a warm smile. He then took Rile's arm and led him away, while Gabe walked out with dignity.

Alex closed the tent flap behind them and quickly stripped out of her dirty clothes, laying her Guardian sword carefully beside the tub. After a moment's hesitation, she kept on her sturdy sports bra and underwear before stepping into the warm water. She reached out and turned the valve open, feeling the refreshing cascade of water wash over her body. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of pleasure as she lathered up with the soap, wondering if it would work as a shampoo too. With careful control, she alternated between turning the valve off and on, prolonging her shower in this oasis amidst their harsh surroundings.

"First, no powers," Cla hissed in Alex's ear as she pinned her against the bathtub. With one arm around Alex's neck, Cla's sharp claws dug into the icy spot, securing their hold.

Alex struggled to break free, but Cla was too strong. She tried to slam her head into Cla's muzzle, but Cla dodged it. Desperate for an opening, Alex went limp and used her entire body weight to push down on the choking arm. Thanks to the slippery surface of the bathtub, she could slide downwards and force Cla to lean forward and loosen her grip.

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