CH 12.2 Family Feud

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As the sun rose, Sword Master Rake summoned Rile, Alex, and Cale to his training grounds. The air was thick with anticipation as they stood in formation, their swords and staffs at the ready. Rake's eyes scanned over them, his expression stern. He pointed a finger at Rile. "You will stay for advanced training. Your sword work has become lazy." He then turned to Cale, pointing at him next. "The Staff Master asked me to send you to aide him in teaching the juveniles the staff. Personally, I think it is time you got off your haunches and began master training."

Alex stared in astonishment at his criticism of Cale, but Cale smiled. Alex wondered if it was that male 'aggression bonding' she had heard of long ago on Earth.

Rake scanned the ring as he spoke to Alex and Gabe. His voice was commanding. "Alex, you are dismissed." He then turned to Gabe. "Gabe, you may stay or leave as you please."

"I'll walk Alex back," Gabe said with a mischievous grin that made Rile narrow his eyes in suspicion.

The two friends walked away from the ring, side by side, their footsteps creating a comfortable rhythm on the dirt ground.

"Let's visit Ture," Alex finally broke the silence. "Where is he staying these days?"

"He asked for a tent on the edge of camp by the northerly pastures, away from the other tents. I think he misses his hermit life."

"We should still check on him."

"And I want to ask him why the change of tactics of The Adversary from war to—" Gabe stopped himself.

"From war to picking on the weakest link: me," she said bitterly.

Gabe's wings rustled irritably. "Not everything is about you, Alex."

Alex chewed her lip. "True, but the last two attacks were definitely targeted at me," she retorted with a touch of snark.

Their conversation ended as they made their way towards Ture's isolated tent on the outskirts of camp, the tension between them almost tangible. They turned northward, and they walked past the last line of tents. As Alex and Gabe approached the lone tent, they noticed a group of goats grazing nearby. A black portal opened and an armored boot kicked Gabe in the chest. The force sent him crashing to the ground. Three figures emerged from a dark portal that had expanded before them.

Cla said, "Hold the filthy mammal, daughters, while your father is down."

Cla's own claws glowed with a dark aura as she aimed for the mark on Alex's chest. Waves of cold energy pulsed through Alex's body as her power was drained once again.

Alex snarled, "You're a coward if you drain me completely. Leave my regular strength for a fight."

With a final wrench, the claws on her chest ripped away and released her from their hold.

Cla looked at Alex with disdain. "I have promised the pleasure of killing you to my daughters."

"Two to one?" Alex asked, muscles tense and ready for a fight. "Figures for you moronic cowards."

Gabe rose behind her, sword drawn and pointed at Cla. "Teaching our daughters to cheat?"

Despite the danger and tension in the air, a small glimmer of hope sparked in Alex's chest. Maybe Gabe could fight by her side after all. But that hope quickly faded as she realized just how much trouble they were in because of Gabe's loyalty to family. This was going to be one hell of a showdown.

Cla stood before them, her posture rigid and her eyes icy as she drew her sword. Alex could feel the disdain rolling off of her in waves as she addressed Gabe. "Well, well, look who we have here. My dear little alien pet," she sneered, "what a surprise to see you again. And did this creature actually tell you about our daughters? How amusing."

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