CH 7.3 Better a Love Lost...

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After her nap, Alex and Rile returned to their tent, but her eyes were still heavy with sleep. They sat next to each other and across from Cale. Gabe thrust aside the tent flap and stalked in.

"Where have you been?" Gabe demanded of his youngest brother, who stared up at him with defiance.

Rile retorted, "Avoiding you, since you caused Alex pain and trouble. As usual."

"Rile, please," Alex said. "I can fight my own fights."

"Not against Gabe, you can't," Rile said. "You turn into a tower of commercially made edible slime around him. It makes me as crazy as you are."

A tired smile tugged at Alex's lips. "That's not much crazier than your normal self."

Cale, looking exasperated, shook his head. He squared his shoulders and held his hands up in a placating gesture to Gabe, Rile, and Alex. "As much as I enjoy stepping into the middle of your fights," Cale said in a weary tone, "Let's visit Kohe."

"Honestly, I'd rather fight with Gabe and Rile, despite the massive amount of pain it causes." Alex stepped away from Cale. "Much preferable."

"How is the priest?" Gabe asked.

"He's fine, but he's asking for Alex," Cale said.

Alex ran her hand through her hair. "Perfect, just perfect."

As they walked to the priest's tent, Alex felt her heart quicken as the number of baleful looks and hisses directed at them seemed to double with every step. Kohe emerged from his tent, frowning at the Agama gathered nearby. He raised his voice to be heard over their jeers. "I see I have work to do. We will speak of this at length on worship day. If I don't see you there, I will visit your tents and tell you each at length."

The Agama melted away as if they had been struck by an icy wind.

"Nothing like the threat of a lengthy sermon to make Agama disappear," Kohe said with humor as he gestured them into his tent. Cale entered first, signaling for all to be safe before Rile pushed Alex in. He and Gabe entered next, ducking beneath the soft flap of fabric that served as a door.

Kohe held a tray of goblets and a carafe of wine. He set them down on a low table before each of the Guardians, pouring the deep red liquid for them without being asked. He gestured for them to sit on the richly embroidered cushions. Rile pushed two together. He sat on one and Alex snuggled next to him. Cale sat next to the priest, but Gabe checked outside before sitting down.

"How is your hand?" Cale asked.

Kohe showed it to them, flexing and extending the fingers. "Perfectly fine."

"Wait until the cold season," Alex said. "Then we'll see."

"Aren't you the pessimist?"

"I ain't a priest," Alex replied. "That's your job. Your optimism was what we call 'an epic fail' on my world." She took a long drink of wine.

Gabe shifted and sipped his wine, shooting Alex a warning glance before looking back to Kohe. "What did you want to speak to us about?" he asked, setting down his goblet.

"That mark of Alex's."

She drained her goblet, traded hers with Cale's full one, and took a long draft off it.

Kohe's voice was gentle as he addressed Alex. "I think that mark is tied to more than your own darkness, but I will need my head priest to confirm it. It will take some time for him to make the journey."

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