CH 9.2 Blades and Ritual Satisfaction

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          Usually Alex ignored the cruel words directed at her as she walked through the camp, but today she was fed up with jeers. She turned around and stepped closer to the group of females, her brown eyes blazing. Her southern drawl thickened as she spoke, hands on her hips. "Jealousy ain't a good color on y'all. End of story," she said with a sly smile.

The females didn't know to be warned when Alex's southern accent slipped through.

One of the females lashed out verbally. "It won't last."

Alex scoffed. "We'll see. In the meantime, go ahead an' keep pining for him - it ain't gonna do you no good."

Alex felt the air around her grow warmer as Rile approached. She heard hushed giggles and a few gasps of admiration, and she knew everyone was watching his every move. When he finally stepped behind her, the females lit up like candles on a birthday cake, some with timid smiles and others clasping their hands in awe. All of them rustled their wings, spreading them out just a bit from behind their backs . Rile brushed his fingers along Alex's back before scooping her up into an embrace. Time seemed to stand still as Alex braced for whatever he had to say or do next.

"There you are, Alex!" he said, nuzzling her neck. "Oh, hello." His tone grew colder when he noticed the group of female admirers. "Excuse us, please."

When they were out of hearing range, Alex looked up at him apprehensively and asked, "How much did you hear?"

"I didn't need to hear anything," he said, giving her a knowing look. "It was written all over their faces. Did I do good?"

She paused before answering, taking in the sight of him. "The best," she said. "You passed this test with highest marks."

Rile grinned down at her. "Then let's go sunning. I brought your towel since you like sunning with a towel under you."

They found their favorite spot, lay down side by side on their backs, entwined fingers, and closed their eyes. Alex was drifting off to sleep when many hands clamped down on her: the clawed hands of Sorey's lieutenants.

General Sorey, flanked by several elders and lieutenants, placed a sword to Rile's throat. "I claim retribution for the theft of Tida's honor."

          "What there was of it," Rile scoffed, ignoring the blade.

          Another blade was now placed on Alex's throat. She also refused to look at it, glaring at General Sorey.

          Sorey's voice was low and steady as he declared, "I demand ritual satisfaction."

          "Never." Rile didn't bother to shout; his deadly serious tone and expression spoke far louder.

          Alex felt the tension in the air like electricity; she could sense their unrestrained anger. She looked around at the other faces, but no one explained what Sorey demanded. "Dare I ask what ritual satisfaction is?" she asked.

Alex finally glanced down at the blade pressed against her neck, indenting the skin but not touching it, and her mind raced. Would her slipstream be able to protect her if the Agama attacked? A chill ran down her spine as she realized that since the blade was already contacting her skin, it would be inside her slipstream.

Not good.

A lieutenant spoke with contempt, and the darkness of his words was almost tangible. "We will take from you what Rile took from Tida."

          "Rile, unless your life is in danger; that will not happen." Alex didn't bother to shout, either. With deliberate slowness, she raised her chin and met each of their gazes. Her eyes were hard and unflinching—she wasn't afraid.

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