c27 (Part 2)

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She pulled her car over at the side road then turned off the machine. She grabbed the rear view; turned it towards her as it showed her reflection. She tilted her face aside, she cannot not noticed a small cut at the corner of her lips even though she had dissembled it with make up. She brought her finger to touched the slightly bruise that surrounding the cut.

It still hurt a bit.

Lately, Minji second-guessed herself more than usual and Hanni never failed to make her felt better and assured her that she was right on her feet.

She needed her comfort to made sure everything was going to be okay.

Hanni was in the meeting. Her secretary informed her that she'd be done in short so she should wait in her office. She stared outside the window to the busy street below.

"What are you looking at?" Hanni suddenly appeared behind her. Minji didn't hear she came in. She wore the listed black blazer as her shiny dark brown hair straggling over her shoulder.

"Nothing," Minji cleared her throat bowing her head down alarmed that Hanni could see her tiny wound. "Is it okay if you company one for a while?" she asked without looking up.

"Yes, of course, you want something?" Minji declined her offer politely.

"What's wrong, Min?" she asked whilst Minji still avoided eye contact with her.

Warily, Minji elevated her head and softly sucked her bottom lip to disguise that thing that she didn't want to be seen.

"Nothing." she covered her mouth with her palm and coughed a bit to smooth your act.

"Can you say something- anything but nothing?" She snuffled cutely folding her arms to her chest.

Minji can't resist her cuteness, she laughed at the antics. As soon as the laughter out from her mouth, the wound sting sharply.

"Ouch, damn it!" unconsciously she touched the inured part, she caressed it hoping the pain reduced down. It wasn't that hurt, she could endure it. It was just the sudden stretch took her by surprise.

"Sweet heart? What is it?" The lawyer spoke worriedly. She extended her hand and cup Minji's face to examined her it closely.

"Who did this to you?"

"It's nothing, Han," she looked away from her.

"Just forget it," she pleaded.

"Min?" she wasn't forcing her. She merely wished her to elaborate, she asked Minji to trust her better.

"Hanni, I'm fine, really." Concern didn't fade away from her pretty face.

"Talk to me, please." Hanni persuaded her softly.

She sighed and shook her head tiredly. She didn't mind if she was physically in pain, what upset her was the emotional pressure she had to handle. More over she had to shove it down to her throat and it felt like she swallowed up big knot and made it extremely hard to breath.

"I get what I deserve, I guess?" she croaked hesitantly.

"It's not a big deal, Han. I'm fine." She repeated fine over and over. She wasn't sure whether she really was fine or she just needed to assure herself that she really was okay.

"You don't deserve any of this, Minji. What happened?"

"She passed away, my patient. Her mother lost it, she slaps me and well you see it yourself," Minji shrugged.

"It isn't her fault, she is devastated and it's fair."

"How hard did she slap you? It made a cut."

"Her ring I suspect."

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