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During a mass casualty Bailey paged all the residents down to the ER

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During a mass casualty Bailey paged all the residents down to the ER. While waiting for Bailey Cassandra couldn't even look at Alex after he had said stuff which resulted in Meredith getting fired.

" Why did she page us 911?" Cassandra asks, looking at the clock. " My other patient is in surgery with Shepherd and Robbins."

" I can't believe you got my patient. I dug him up from the freaking ground." Alex says, almost shouting in frustration over Cassandra getting the patient instead of him.

" Maybe Robbins and Shepherd don't want to get fired." Cristina says, who's even more angry at Alex than Cassandra is.

" Oh shut up. It's just because she's Shepherd's sister and Arizona's daughter's aunt. It's favoritism, nothing else." Alex says angrily.

" Shut up, Karev. You messed up, don't take your aggression out on anyone else. Especially someone who just does their jobs." Jackson says defending Cassandra.

" I'm not getting any favoritism, So shut it. I never ever used my brothers to get in for surgery." Cassandra says.

" That spinal tumor you and Jackson did." Alex says " Everyone was forced to do that whole cup thing you didn't."

" Because I was just there making sure Derek was drinking water." Cassandra says annoyed at Alex." And before you say it was my patient, the only reason I got him was because I'm supposed to be on Derek's service."

As the group starts to argue Bailey finally comes down to the ER with Torres behind her.

" She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt. Her abdomen is pulp and her pelvis probably crushed. You people will work together to assess her injuries and repair them." Bailey instructs them as they get ready.

" In the O.R?" April asks, putting on her trauma gown.

" No, at the Jiffy tube. Yes, in the O.R." Bailey says annoyed. " Now, Doctor Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her she will step in. Otherwise you're on your own. Don't screw this up like everything else you touch recently." Bailey continues before walking into the trauma room. " Ladies and gentlemen, step away from the patient."

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" Give me a 10-blade please." Christina says.

" Don't give her a 10-blade, the woman just had her leg hacked off. She doesn't need her chest cracked open for something we're not even sure she has" Alex says as the group of residents argues over how to start the surgery.

" Yeah, well, I'm sure and if her heart craps out she's not gonna give a rat's ass about her leg." Christina tells Alex.

" Look, we know she's bleeding from her pelvis and her abdomen, which gives her plenty of reason to be hypotensive." April says, trying to get control over the situation.

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