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Whit you I am born again 7 x 1  and Shock to the system 7 x 2

Cassandra is walking down the tunnels with her lunch, She turns around the corner seeing Lexie, Meredith, Cristina and Jackson sit there eating

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Cassandra is walking down the tunnels with her lunch, She turns around the corner seeing Lexie, Meredith, Cristina and Jackson sit there eating.

" I'm back." Cassandra says.

" Cassie!" Lexie says getting up from her place running over hugging Cassandra.

" Lexie." Cassandra says, hugging her friend.

" It's good you're finally back." Meredith says with a smile.

" It's good to be back, Are you looking at wedding stuff?" Cassandra says.

" Yes, I need help." Cristina says, showing Jackson to move over so Cassandra can sit next to her. Cassandra sits down between Jackson and Cristina. " What do you think?" Cristina shows her a wedding dress.

" It's pretty, But is it easy to get off?" Cassandra asks, making everyone look at her. "Because last time Mer and I literally needed to cut you out of the wedding dress."

" That won't be necessary this time" Cristina says.

" And you'll have eyebrows" Cassandra says, making Meredith and Cristina laughs.

" What? Why didn't she have eyebrows?" Lexie asks, confused.

" Mama took them" Meredith says, as she, Cristina and Cassandra continue laughing.

" No, But all jokes aside. It's kind of nice that you guys are getting married after all that has happened. It's nice that we have something fun to look forward to." Cassandra says.

" I dig weddings, I do a mean chicken dance." Jackson says.

" There will be no chicken dance. And if you start a conga line I will physically throw you out myself." Cristina says.

As they eat, April comes walking. " I just went to the cafeteria and a nurse called me Reed, and said I thought you died" April says, a bit upset.

" Yeah, You don't go to the cafeteria for lunch. They just point and stare." Lexie explains.

" I have gotten looks since I stepped into the hospital this morning. Because I am the crazy girl jumping in front of a gun to save my brother. Like it's not even the craziest thing I've done." Cassandra says.

" Yeah, Hand on a bomb, crazier. Girl you must be immortal or something." Cristina says, looking at Cassandra.

" You had a hand on a bomb?" April, Jackson and Lexie all asks, confused.

" Yeah. Long story short, A man had a bomb in his chest. Paramedic had her hand on it but got scared and removed it, So I put mine in. If I didn't the whole hospital might have blown up." Cassandra explains taking a bit of her lunch. " But I've stopped doing stuff like that now."

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