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Can't fight biology ( 7 x 4 )

Can't fight biology ( 7 x 4 )

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" Hostile uterus." Meredith says as she walks up to Cristina and Cassandra.

" House hunting with my husband." Cristina says.

" Horrible coffee." Cassandra says, throwing her coffee in the trash. " Well at least it's not cancer and you're calling him your husband." Cassandra says looking at Meredith as the trio walk up to the nurses station.

" Baby steps, whateves." Cristina says with a little smile.

" Happy for you." Cassandra says with a small smile.

" Do you know how long April and Jackson are planning to stay at the house?" Lexie asks as she leans against the nurses station looking at the trio.

" As long as they like, Why?" Meredith replies.

" Well April has taken over Izzie's room, which was fine when it was temporary but I live in the attic and I sleep next to Christmas ornaments." Lexie says.

" April's best friend just died. She's all alone" Meredith says, not really knowing what to say.

" It's just she's ... she's annoying, Okay? I find her annoying." Lexie says.

"Really? I find you more annoying." Cristina says.

April comes running, " Car runs into a laundromat! Multiple traumas." She screams as she runs past them.

" I'm not wrong." Lexie says getting up before walking away.

Cassandra and Meredith start to walk towards the ER when they stop.

" You coming?" Meredith asks, looking at Cristina.

" Baby steps don't include multiple traumas. You two go kill it" Cristina says with a sad smile.

" We'll find you later." Cassandra says before her and Meredith runs away.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

" I cannot go out this way." The woman Cassandra is examining says. " I can't go out in a freak laundromat accident. Ooh!"

" Sorry" Cassandra says, continuing with the ultrasound.

" You cannot find anything wrong. I'm supposed to go to Brazil next week." the woman says, looking at Cassandra. " Rio, I just perfected my accent."

The woman says something in Portuguese.

" I'm fine, how are you?" Cassandra says, unsure.

" Nope, I asked you if you had a condom. Cause that's the one sentence I learn before traveling someplace new." The woman explains, making Cassandra look a bit surprised. " Yeah. Now, you totally think I'm a slut."

" No I don't. Take a breath for me, please." Cassandra says with a smile.

" It totally makes you think I'm a slut until I tell you I have Huntington's disease." the woman explains, making Cassandra look in her chart. " Yeah. You're not gonna find it on the chart. The paramedic was so cute, so I just didn't mention anything. Because of the whole fatal genetic condition it just doesn't scream sexy." she says.

" Have you started showing symptoms?" Cassandra asks.

" No, Um." The woman says. " My mother died, So I got tested for the gene. She was 45, so I have about 10 years left. 5, if you count the ones I could actually enjoy."

" Well, the accident shouldn't affect your Huntington's." Cassandra says.

" I know, I'm just telling you that you get that you have to work really hard to fix me. Because I can live with the fact that I'm gonna die. But to die doing laundry? No" The woman says.

" We're gonna take you up for CT to make sure everything is alright, Lila." Cassandra says before walking away.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

" Lila, Your CT shows that you have a rupture in your diaphragm. So you're gonna need surgery." Teddy says, looking at the scans. " So how will we proceed Doctor Avery?"

" Part of your stomach's gone into your chest, so we're gonna place your stomach back and repair the diaphragm with mesh." Jackson says.

" Doctor Sloan Shepherd, do you agree?" Teddy asks, looking over at Cassandra.

" No, I would do a direct repair with sutures instead of mesh because the defect is so small." Cassandra says as she looks at the scans.

" That's right." Teddy says. " Doctor Sloan Shepherd, draw pre-op labs, You're scrubbing in." Teddy says, making Cassandra look at Jackson nervously. " Lila, do you have anyone we can call for you?" Teddy then asks.

" No, It's just me." Lila says looking over at Jackson.

" All right, I'll see you up in the O.R" Teddy says before she and Jackson walk out of the patient's room.

" Oh, Please tell me you've gotten to make out with that." Lila asks, looking at Jackson as he walks past the window.

" Yeah, That's my boyfriend." Cassandra says looking down at the chart.

" I'm sorry." Lila says a bit embarrassed. " Well it's not surprising you are both very attractive people."

" Thank you." Cassandra says, laughing a little.

" So, Any baby's? I bet they would be adorable." Lila asks.

" No no no, It's very early. So no babies yet." Cassandra says a bit choked by the question.

" If you guys would have babies they would be so beautiful." Lila says. 

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

After surgery Cassandra walks into the Resident's lounge seeing Jackson without a shirt on.

" What you doing?" She asks Jackson to turn around.

" Changing." Jackson says laughing. " But I thought you liked seeing me without a shirt on?"

" Yeah, I love it." Cassandra says walk away towards Jackson. " But you're so hot so I don't want the others to be jealous because they can't have you."

" Don't worry. I'm all yours" Jackson says kissing her as she wraps her arms around him. " How's your patient?"

" Good, She's fine. She's gonna make her trip." Cassandra says looking up at him and notices something is wrong. " What's wrong?"

" In my family, I'm the pretty one. My eyes and my smile, my body. I mean, look at me without a shirt on. It's kinda ridiculous. But my family is smart, driven, and crazy over-achievers. And they look like they're smart. They don't look like me, which has its perks. Except that my family treated me like I was pretty. They expected nothing from me, ever. Never pushed me, never thought to. So I had to push myself. Hard." Jackson explains.

" You are smart, really smart." Cassandra says with a smile. " I'm sorry, If you took it personal when I gave another opinion on the patient earlier. Because you are an amazing doctor, Jackson."

" It's not that, It's Altman. She thinks I'm not good enough." Jackson explains.

" You are an amazing surgeon and you know that. Who cares what Altman thinks there are more people out there." Cassandra says.

" Thank you, I need this." Jackson says before kissing her. " You are amazing."

" I know, So are you." Cassandra answers giggling.

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