Chapter 19: sleeping problems

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Just a quick note, its okay if you don't really understand the first part of the chapter; they are very very drunk so its okay if you don't understand what they are saying or what they are meant to say cause its just random things. Anyways...


River: "I'm Spiderman I only shoot webs 💀"

Coral: "Hot Spiderman😃"

I look over at Hannah hovering over me and my texts with River.

"He totally believed me. Now I need to save the city." I take another sip of the bottle of wine on the bathroom counter. My face is stiff and can not budge under this face mask but boy is my skin going to be smoother than a jellyfish. I don't know what a jellyfish feels like to be honest. Probably just a blob of jelly. Which is good because jelly is smooth I guess. Yeah.

"Of course he did. How could he not. Hide your drugs peopllllle, we on a misssion! Hey what are you lookin at?" She's way too drunkkk to function... I on the other hannnddd am living.

"An idiot, you crazy bitch." I say loudly, not meaning to.

"Dude." *hiccup* "nobody is over there I don't know what you mean?" She tries to act as if she doesn't know when really the slur in her words are making it obvious she actually does. "You drunk."

"I'm completely sober what are you talking about." I take another sip out of the champagne bottle. "You're drunk."

"No way. No way. Your not sober. I'm not sober but I'm not drunk. Your sober but your drunk?" She says. Now she confusing me. She's twisting my mind on all kinds of ways now.

"IM GETTING, IM GETTING NUMB TO THE FEELING!" I sing to her expecting her to sing along to it cause she love Chase Atlantic. Who don't.

"Taco Bell." She says. Ooo not a bad idea actually.

"Take us."

"Nooo." She complains.

"I'll take us."


"Ow that hurt my head." I say as the aches in my head start to pound louder.

The door squeaks open. We look in the mirror to see who it is. It's only Reef.

"Ahh!" He jumps backwards. "What the hell did y'all do to y'all's faces?" I grin slightly.

"Roar!!" I try to scare him away but then Hannah starts to ask if he can get us Taco Bell.

"Hell no. And how much of those have you drank?" He points to the champagne bottle in my hand.

I shake the bottle around. "I don't know why won't you ask the liquor cabinet?" I say with a sassy face.


"Your just jealous." Hannah says while grinning up at Reef. Obviously flirting with him. Oh come on I'm not drunk enough to not know they obviously been fucking each other. They make it so obvious. Yuck.

"No. I come home from work and hear loud yelling and I walk in to see you two shits, sitting on the bathroom counter in short pjs and shit all over y'all's faces. And Cory pull your fucking shorts back up." I look down in confusion at my shorts not even realizing they were the middle of my thighs this whole time. It's fine I had underwear. Wait. I double check. Yeah I have underwear.

My eyes get heavier as I squeeze the edge of the counter more.

"Hannah, your falling in the sink." She pops up and scoots away from it. I take another sip of the wine. "Okay that's enough. Bedtime."

My Riptide || ONGOINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon