Chapter 11 ~Goals~

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Coral Mae Marine-

"If you had to choose, which fairy would you smash?" I look up at the living room TV .

"Def Tinkerbell. You?"

"Of course you pick Tinkerbell. The obvious answer is Rosetta." she rolls her eyes and points to the TV. "I mean look at her, she has the attitude and sass and that's what anyone would have said." she puts her hands up in defense giving me her side eye.

Reef is making his way down the stairs as me and Hannah are about to get in a fist fight about these fairies.

"But Tinkerbell is mischievous and in Peter Pan she was a very jealous and sassy person so I don't want to hear your comments."

"Bitch, i'm talking about THIS MOVIE NOT PETER PAN!"


"What the hell..." we turn to look at Reef looking at us like we are both toddlers not getting their ways.

"Reef, who would you smash, Tinkerbell or Rosetta?" Hannah flutters her eyelashes at him.

"Pfft Rosetta all the way." I smack my head about sixty times then turn to look at the both of them smiling and laughing at each other. I roll my eyes away from them before I throw up. I walk myself in the kitchen then open up one of the cupboards and yet again I see no more lunchables. Those are practically the only things I eat and I don't eat much. And come to think of it we ran out of my favorite capri suns. Its time to make a trip to the store and while im at it im just going to go right down the road to the Coastal Mochas Cafe down town. I swear they have the best smoothies a girl could dream of.

"I'm going out for groceries ill be back, control yalls selves." Reef shoots me the bird and he starts walking off. I make my way to the car and open spotify right away. Today im kind of more in the mood for some Taylor swift than anyone else right now. I turn on a random playlist and start to drive.


I make my way to the door of the cafe and when I open it the bell rings. I sit down and suddenly see the Red headed slutty waitress from before making her way to me. Oh you got to be kidding me.

"What do you want to order today?" she looks at me with her resting bitch face.

"Just a strawberry and banana smoothie,"

"Would that be all or is that hunky rude boyfriend of yours on his way?" This bitch really pulling on my strings and I haven't even been talking to her for like a minute.

"Excuse me..." We both here the bell on the door ring and we turn to look who it is. Of course low and behold its River. (AKA "My hunky rude boyfriend") how the fuck did he know I was here? He makes his way towards me with a grin.

"I'll take a chocolate chip muffin." He says to the girl and she rolls her eyes at me. River sits down at the small booth in front of me.

"What do you want?" I ask him furrowing my eyebrows.

"Like I said, a chocolate chip muffin." He smiles at my lips and starts playing with my hair. I love it when he does that.

"Are you stalking me now?"

"Nah, I just cant seem to take my eyes off you." His comment makes me smile a little when really on the inside, my stomach just did a cartwheel. I hide my smile away from him.

"Stop hiding what I came here to see."

"Me smile?"

"So much more than that." I hear him say under his breather and I turn my head to see out the window.

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