Chapter 7: That Smile

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I wake up looking around the room I'm in turning to my side. My vision still a little blurry from just waking up.

This room doesn't look familiar. It's a bit cold so I snuggle up with the Smokey white covers that are so cozy I can just stay in them forever.

I look around and see a dark blue blanket tossed over the bed and I look to my right and see a surf board hanging above me on the wall.

Damn this headache isn't going away any time soon. Am I kidnapped? No this looks to nice for a kidnapper.

I look down at my shirt. Where did that come from? It's a big oversized black shirt that just so happens to reach above my knees.

I get up and start looking for my phone. I go to this door in the room and open it. It's a bathroom. Thank goodness cause I really have to pee.

After I do my business I look around the room for my phone. I see a picture of River, Tjay, Jamie, and Henry I believe in a frame sitting on the side table. They look like they where going surfing. My head feels a big ache and I  sit down on the bed.

I hear footsteps coming and opening the door and I quickly get under the covers and hide. I'm not hiding very well because my booty is sticking up in air shaking.

Please don't be a kidnapper. Or someone's parents. Hopefully spider man will come and save me.  I hear the door open.

"Peach? What the hell?"

I slowly rise my booty down and turn over and stick my eyes out from the covers. These covers smell just like him. I can stay in these for decades.

"Oh uhm good morning." I say while throwing the covers off of me from dying of heat. I was just cold like five minutes ago. His confused face slowly dissolves into a smile. I give him an embarrassed smile.

"What where you doing?" He ask me setting down some pills and a cup of water.

"Hiding." I look away from him and look at his hands. They are all bruised and busted.

"From me?" He sits down on the edge looking at my slashed arm.

"No of course not you. Uhm I uh." I don't even remember what I am talking about. I see him looking at my arm and so I move it so he can't see it anymore. " Spider man duh"

I blurt out. What? That makes no sense. Whatever.

"I'm just joking I didn't know where I was until you walked in. I thought I was kidnapped or some shit, but then I realized that this place is to nice for a kidn-" he cuts me off.

"Peach you talk a lot for one that has a headache. Here." He gives me two pills and the glass of water. I completely ignore him and soon think to myself. How did I get here? What if he did kidnap me for fun. Where is Hannah? She must be worried.

"Did you kidnap me last night? I can't remember anything other than Rowan, Rowoman, whatever the fuck his name is taking his shirt off." As soon as I say that a flow of memories from last night go threw my head. I don't remember much because it was so dark in the room.

"What happened?"

"Rowan drugged you and tried hurting you." His jaw tightens as he puts his hand on my upper back. I jump forward and gasp a little.
River looks at me with his eyes furrowed.

"What's wrong with you Peach?" He asks as I sit back down drinking the water he gave me.

"Did he hurt you?" He reaches out for me.

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