Chapter 26

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

"My goodness, you certainly are so tiny," Grandpa says as he smiles at me, kissing the top of my head. I smile around my pacifier, happy to let him hold me.

"Not that tiny," I argue, squealing when he lifts me up in the air and holds me there. I try to squirm out of his grip to get down but he just holds me there.

"Admit you're tiny and I'll let you down," Grandpa says, making me shake my head. He acts like he's going to set me down however he lets my feet touch the floor for a moment before holding me back up in the air. I giggle around my pacifier, trying to escape. He's done this several times by the time Ashia reaches us

I am in a fit of giggles, only able to stop when Ashia takes me back from him. Once I've managed to catch my breath, she hands me back to Grandpa. I cuddle into him, tucking my head underneath his chin. He tilts his head down slightly to kiss the top of my head.

"You never admitted you were tiny," Grandpa grumbles, making me roll my eyes slightly. "Oh, we're rolling eyes now?" he asks, tugging my pacifier out of my mouth. He holds it out of my reach as I reach for it, trying to pull his hand back to me to take my paci back. He chuckles slightly as he lets me have it back.

"Mean," I tell him before I pop my paci back into my mouth.

"Yes, I know. Rolling your eyes is so disrespectful and mean and I should put you in timeout," he says, making me shake my head quickly. I didn't want to go to timeout! Timeouts were no fun and I really didn't want to sit in the corner  ever again.

"Don't be mean to the poor girl," Ashia scoffs, making Grandpa shake his head slightly as he sets me down. I take the opportunity to run off, deciding to go look for someone else to annoy. With my luck, I end up taking some turns and ending up in Miachel's arms. He lifts me up, smiling as I cling to him

"A pacifier?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I duck my head, a small frown on my lip as I debate whether or not I should get rid of it. He tilts my head back up with one of his fingers, smiling slightly. "Very cute," he compliments, making me smile.

"You like?" I ask, curious about if he really meant that it was cute.

"Yes," Miachel says simply, still holding me by the time Grandpa catches up with me. Miachel looks between me and Grandpa, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Wow, you've run away to find someone else to hold you! I can't believe that I'm not special," Grandpa says dramatically, making me giggle as Miachel bounces me slightly on his hip. Miachel has always done good with kids and I guess since I'm kind of trapped in a kid's body that it makes sense that he is good at taking care of me.

"Grandpa, this Miachel. He's my friend," I inform my Grandpa, trying to be serious but that's very hard to do when Miachel is bouncing me.

"Nice to meet you," Grandpa says, holding out his hand for Miachel to shake. I roll my eyes slightly as Grandpa always wants to shakes everyone's hands. He was so formal with everyone, it was boring!

"Nice to meet you sir," Miachel says, making my nose wrinkle up slightly. I had never heard him call anyone sir and it was weird to see him shaking someone's hand. I can't believe that my grandpa has already broke Miachel and he's just met him.

"No call him sir, that's boring," I whine to Miachel who raises an eyebrow. I feel weird about whining but my head feels fuzzy and I feel small. I can't help that my voice reflects how I feel.

"It's the polite thing to call someone when you're meeting them for the first time," Miachel says, making me pout. I disagreed with that and he was only saying that because he was wrong and boring!

"Boring, want Zero," I inform him, expecting him to make Zero pop out of nowhere. He rolls his eyes, knocking on a nearby door. When it opens, Zero looks at him with annoyance before smiling when she sees me. I squeal happily when she takes me, not bothering to say anything to Miachel as she shuts the door in his face.

"If Miachel can do one thing right tonight it's bring you to me," Zero says as she smiles, not batting an eye at my pacifier. She carries me to her bed, laying down with me in her arms. I cuddle into her instead of trying to find my own space. I could always move away later but for now I wanted cuddles.

"Missed you," I tell Zero, my voice lisping from sleepiness and from my paci. I don't dare fuss as she tucks my hair out of my face.

"I missed you too," Zero informs me, rubbing my back. I study here, noticing that she's wearing silk pajamas and that she has her bonnet on. She must have been laying down earlier before she took me from Miachel.

"Match," I pout slightly, wanting to match with her.

"Tomorrow we'll match baby, not tonight. Tonight you go to sleep," Zero says as she tries to get me to close my eyes. I shake my head, not wanting to go to bed. A yawn escapes me as Zero holds me still, rubbing my back as her nails scratch across my back lightly.

"Match now," I request quietly, barely awake enough to speak around my paci. It starts to fall out of my mouth and Zero pushes it back into place, making me pout slightly. I was trying to talk and she wasn't letting me. I was pretty sure that she was violating some type of law but I didn't know which one. I yawn as her hand keeps rubbing my back, scratching my back until I drift off to sleep in her arms.

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