Chapter 25

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I end up snuggling against Ashia, letting her fingers comb through my hair. I normally wouldn't let anyone play with my hair or cuddle with me when I'm still mad at them but I am kind of cold and she's letting me curl up against her so it's all fine.

"My little Aaliyah, I forgot how tiny you were," she murmurs as she fixes my hair, braiding it into a Dutch braid.

"I'm not that small," I argue as she hums in disagreement.

"You are sitting in my lap and not fussing, you haven't done that since you were about four," Ashia says as she rocks me slightly.

"Ametrine says I look closer to three than four," I mutter with a pout, a frown on my lips. "She's wrong, tell her she's wrong," I whine, feeling suddenly upset that she thought I was a baby instead of a big girl. I kick the ground in front of me, just messing up the grass a little bit.

"Of course she's wrong. You are very much a big girl," Ashia reassures me, cuddling me closer. She's kind of cradling me but I am not one to fuss about how I receive affection.

"Tell her that," I say, making Ashia chuckle as she nods her head.

"I will inform Ametrine that you are my big girl and not at all a baby," Ashia says. "Even if you fit perfectly into my arms and I can cradle you just like a baby and cover you in kisses," she says, making me huff at her words. I turn my head away as best as I can but she still manages to kiss one side of my face a bunch.

"Not fair, you cheat," I object as I try to squirm out of her hold but she is a bit too good at holding me still so that I can't do that.

"I can't cheat silly girl, I'm your grandma and it's my job to hold you," Ashia says as she smiles slightly. I huff at her words, a small whine escaping me when she kisses my cheek again. She sets me down, holding me still as I try to get used to standing up after having just been laying down and then I turn around to swat her. She grabs my hand before I can even swat her shoulder and gives me a stern look.

"You do not hit," Ashia warns, making me freeze. It wasn't a hit! It was just a swat. They were different...weren't they? My lower lip trembles as I think about running away from her so that I don't have to be in any more trouble.

"No kisses," I say finally, making her pull me closer.

"Then you tell me that. You didn't say you wanted me to stop or else I would have. You need to use your words baby," Ashia says, making me pout even more.

"Not a baby," I whisper.

"No, of course you're not. But that means that you can't have this," Ashia says, producing something from her pockets. My eyebrows furrow and I stare at her with confusion, watching as she uncovers what she's holding. My eyes widen when I see my old pacifier and I try to snatch it out of her hand but she pulls her hand away.

"Is mine. You give," I stomp my foot. I had used my pacifier up until I was about 8 years old, simply because I didn't want to give it up and no one had been able to make me. Oh they had tried, they had threatened and bribed but at the end of the day it was my paci and no one got to take it from me.

"Say please," Ashia says, making me pout at her. I didn't like saying please, I liked saying gimme.

"Pleaseeeeeee," I whine, dragging out the word until she holds out my pacifier. I grab it from her, popping it into my mouth. In my time being distracted, she scoops me up and rests me on her hip. "Nooo, no carry," I object, pouting at her around my pacifier.

"I will set you down once we get inside but you are not wearing shoes and I don't think you want to track in bugs and dirt all over the palace," Ashia says, tapping me on the nose. She does have a point, even if I don't like it.

"I keep paci?" I ask, making her nod her head.

"It's your paci, you can keep it as long as you want," she informs me. "Vathini, I am heading in with my little one," she calls to the dragon who currently has Etol curled up against her. Vathini leans her head closer, letting out a snort of cold air before her giant tongue flicks out and she licks my arm. My arm gets coated in saliva and I shiver at how cold it is, surprised at the sudden action.

'You may have stolen my egg and I may have wished for your death at the time but my young is very well cared for. She speaks highly of you,' Vathini informs me in my head. I reach out to touch her, startled when she lays her head on the ground so I can touch one of her scales.

"I sorry I take egg," is all I say, earning a small grumble from the dragon before she presses her face against my hand slightly before she pulls her head back and curls up with Etol.

"I think she's forgiven you sweet girl," Ashia says as she adjust her hold on me so that I'm no longer slipping out of her hold. She taps my pacifier, making me whine as I push her hand away.

"My paci, not touch," I inform her, making her sigh softly as she wrinkles her nose up.

"But how else will I annoy my amazingly tiny granddaughter?" she asks, making me pout at her. I was not that tiny, she was just exaggerating and I didn't like when people did that.

"I not tiny," I argue, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"Oh no, you are definitely the most tiniest thing in the world," I hear grandpa or Damek say. I turn my head quickly, seeing him lean against the door. He had been the only one to fully believe me, adamant that I was innocent. He raises his hands and I feel the air twist around me as he teleports me into his arms.

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