Chapter 8

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

"It's not my fault, she drugged me," I said as I pointed at Rana. She glared at me, making a quick slashing motion across her neck. My parents turned their attention to Rana who shook her head.

"I didn't drug her, she was magically exhausted and needed a potion to sleep," Rana defended herself. I could already see the stress on my parents face and I found it amusing for a moment. That was before I remembered just how angry I was at them.

"And you believed your son over me when I claimed innocence," I said as I pointed at my parents. They turned to look at me and I saw my father raise his eyebrow slightly. "Your son murdered my soulmate and framed me for exposing our world to humans. You believed him over me for no reason," I stated.

"We didn't know," Mother said softly. I slammed my hand into the floor causing the wood to crack from my anger.

"You didn't know because you didn't care. You had to have the perfect son, no one cared about the spare daughter," I hissed. She flinched at my words and looked down, refusing to even look at me now.

"That's not how we think about you and it never has been," Father said.

"You know how I think about you. I don't even think about you as my parents, you're just Zaid and Rowena Fadel. Members of the Royal Council and you only care about your own image," I stated. He seemed hurt by that and I found that I didn't care about that, in fact I felt a small bit of pleasure at that fact.

"That's not how it was, your brother offered proof and you only just claimed to be innocent," Father stated.

"How does it feel to know that his proof was fake and you exiled the wrong child?" I asked, watching them flinch as the truth hit them. I smirked at that as I pushed myself up, steadying myself on the door.

"Aaliyah don't leave, please. Let us make this up to you," Mother begged. I shook my head as I inched back slightly, sliding my feet back to do so. That way I wouldn't alert them until I had a good chance of running for the door.

"You don't get to apologize now. You don't get to pretend to be sorry. I nearly died because of you exiling me and now you want to pretend it's fine?" I nearly screamed at the end.

"We didn't know," Mother said as she stood up. My magic reacted instinctively, lashing out and throwing her back. Her own magic was what saved her as it cushioned her impact against the wall. My hands were glowing with how angry my magic was and I took a few breaths, trying to calm myself.

"Aaliyah," Rana said as she stood up. I looked at her, my eyes narrowing slightly. "Please, you need help. It's not healthy for your magic to lash out like that," she begged.

"I'm fine, I don't need help. There's nothing wrong with me," I said simply as I shook my head. "I meant to do that," I stated.

"No you didn't. If you meant to do that then you wouldn't have been so scared looking when it did," Rana said as she inched closer. I shook my head as I raised my hands, feeling my magic coursing through my veins.

"Don't come closer, I don't want you near me," I said simply. She stopped, holding her hands up as she backed away slowly. I let my hands fall back down, they were still pulsing with magic but it was a bit calmer now that she wasn't trying to approach me.

"Your magic is unstable, it needs to be contained," Father said as he stood up from where he was crouching next to Mother who was sitting on the floor.

"I won't let you contain it, you can't take it away from me," I said as I felt my magic pulse. My hands burned from how much it was building up inside me.

"You're still not fully recovered, don't use your magic so much," Rana said as she moved closer. Her magic shielded her when mine tried to push her away and she inched closer, step by step. "I won't let them Aaliyah, I won't let them take your magic. I know I screwed up as a sister, a lot, but I won't let anyone hurt you again," she promised as she reached out slowly, the magic shield around her hand protecting her when my magic tried to lash out.

"I don't believe you," I screamed out, my magic rattling the paintings on the wall. Rana pushed forward anyways, wrapping her arms around me as she pressed my head against her shoulder. Her magic wrapped around me, soothing mine and hushing me. My emotions surged now that I couldn't lash out and I felt hot angry tears burn my eyes.

I sobbed into her shoulder as her hand rested on the top of my head, smoothing my hair back. I sniffled as I cried. She hummed softly and suddenly the world around us was silent. I couldn't even hear the sound of my parents muttering anymore.

I saw that her magic had created a shield around us, one that couldn't be seen out of nor seen into. I was familiar with the shield, it was one of the first defensive spells that we had learned when we were children. It allowed you to plan out loud while also not having someone overhear what was said.

"I know I messed up, I was a shitty sister. I won't let anyone take away your magic," Rana promised me as she held me close. "By contained, I think it would be good if you learned how to keep your magic from lashing out. It's not healthy for it to do so," she murmured.

"I don't want it to Rana, it just does it. It lashes out like that all the time and I don't know why," I whispered.

"Do you think it's because of the severed bond?" Rana asked softly. I nodded after a moment of thought.

"Yes, I think it's negatively impacting my magic," I muttered. She waved her hands and I felt a wave of sleepiness suddenly wash over me. "Rana no," I whispered as I tried to push away.

"You need to rest," Rana said. Her shield disappeared and I stumbled away, managing to get out of the room. I headed for the front door as quickly as I could but I ended up stumbling when a wave of magic slammed into me. I hit the ground, not being able to catch myself with my hands, and my head slammed into the floor. I felt the world slip away and I managed to get my magic to wrap around me to make a shield right before I passed out.

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