Chapter 1

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

The building was dark, the scent of alcohol clinging to the entire place. I moved through the long hallway as I made my way back to the main part of the building. Blood had long since stained my white dress but I was okay with that. The drink had been well worth it. Besides, it was hard to pity a hunter who had gotten caught.

I entered the main room of the building, heading to the bar. I sat down at the farthest end of it. A glass of whiskey was sat in front of me by the bartender and I raised an eyebrow as he gestured to the man making his way towards me.

"Trust me, you're going to need it," Miachel sat next to me, offering a cigarette. I accepted it and watched as he lit it for me.

"Tell me why?" I asked as I took a long drag off of the cigarette, exhaling a long plume of smoke.

"Your brother was attacked by hunters, it's said that he won't make it through the night so they're broadcasting his last speech," Miachel said quietly, his lips right next to my ear.

I flicked the end of my cigarette, watching the ash fall off the end of it.

"Lovely." The word was said without much emotion as I took another puff of my cigarette.

Miachel touched my arm, his warm hand drawing me out of my dark thoughts. The silent question he was asking made me chuckle. The sound was harsh and dry even to my ears.

"I'll be fine, I'm always fine," I said as I watched the smoke of my cigarette. A nasty habit but not one I could afford to rid myself of at a time like this.

"I left you some blood in the very back, it should still be warm." I turned my attention to Miachel as I spoke, seeing how hesitant he was to leave me alone.

"I will be back as soon as I can," Miachel promised. I could see the hunger in his eyes at the thought of drinking a bunch of fresh blood. He moved quickly from the bar, just a blur of motion with how fast he was moving.

I used my free hand to pick up my glass of whiskey, taking a big sip of it as the television flickered on. The hologram that was cast through the screen made me grimace as I caught sight of my brother's face.

The bar seemed to quiet down as everyone turned to pay attention to the last speech that a member of a prominent family would ever make.

The glass in my hand shattered, drawing the attention of a few people. I waved them off as I watched the blood that ran down my hand. The alcohol burned the cuts that covered my hand so I shook it to get rid of the stinging pain.

I turned my attention to the screen as I flicked the ash off of my cigarette. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I tuned into what the hologram was saying.

"I fear that I must announce something," Elyas announced. He was leaning against the podium, holding his chest. You could see that whatever the hunters had used on him had left a hole through his chest.

"I lied to this community years ago." Elyas words seemed to bring silence to those around them. "Aaliyah, I promised... I promised I would tell the truth before I died," his words were breathy and he was struggling to stand.

"Don't," he said warningly as our mother came into frame. He held his hand out warningly, flames appearing at the palm of his hand. "I lied to you all. Aaliyah didn't expose us to the humans, I did. I lied, I framed her," he spoke quietly into the mic.

Murmurs of outrage and confusion seemed to come from his side. Pure outrage seemed to spread throughout the bar.

"I was promised power if I managed to get rid of her. I accepted the deal, I turned on my sister and framed her," Elyas' words were filled with bitterness. My eyes weren't on him anymore, they were on my mother.

She had collapsed to the ground, tears falling down her face at his announcement. I could see my father's hand on her shoulder.

"Let's go," Miachel's words were whispered in my ear and he grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the bar. He put down a hundred dollar bill on the bar.

He shoved me out of the building right as my magic exploded. The nearest streetlight shattered and car alarms started going off.

"What right does she have to be sad?" The words were said so loud I might as well have been screaming. "Sad that her perfect little family is ruined I bet." The laugh that escaped me was loud and bitter.

"We should get you home," Miachel said as he reached out to grab my arm. My magic lashed out from the sudden movement, sending him flying back.

"I'll take myself home," I said as my magic swirled around me dangerously. My magic flared up around me and with a whirl of magic, I ended up back at the steps of my home.

My magic pulsed and slammed the doors open, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor. The skittering sound of claws on the floor and I laughed as Etol launched herself at me. Her wings flapped and she sank her claws into my dress.

"Hello my little dragon, you are getting way too heavy to do this." I cooed as I stroked her scaly head. She was only about 40 pounds which was about a fourth of my weight but it still weighed me down a lot.

Etol made a chirping noise as she rumbled happily. Her black scales reflected the light as I ran my fingers down her spine. She pushed off of me, launching herself into the air and flying down the hall.

Etol was still young for a dragon, only barely over a thousand years old. I had stolen her from my grandmother when she was just an egg. Kept her alive with my blood and soul. I had bonded our souls together which meant that if she died I would die and if I died then she would as well.

Blood magic was dangerous but so was I. Perhaps it was time to show my family what I had learned since they had banished me.

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