Chapter 5

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I leaned back in my chair, putting my feet up on the desk as I sighed dramatically. My chair creaked slightly as I started to lean even farther back. The chair started to tip backwards so that it was on only two legs.

I ended up rocking the chair a little too far back which made it fall over. I huffed as I waved my hand, using my magic to right both the chair and myself. I dusted myself off before putting my feet back on my desk. I sighed dramatically as I looked over at Zero who was sitting on one of my couches in my office.

"Miachel is busy and no I will not help you do whatever it is you want to do," Zero answered as she continued to read through her book. It was some history book about the uses of herbs. I would probably find it somewhat interesting if I wasn't so bored.

"I don't know what to do," I whined softly as I pulled my legs off of my desk. I twirled a piece of my long, black hair around my finger. I watched as the curl formed and started to unwind once I pulled it off of my finger. The ends of that strand of my hair got caught on my ring so I had to gently pull it away from my ring.

"Maybe try running your business?" Zero suggested, sarcasm clear in her voice.

"That's what I pay you for Ze," I shrugged my shoulders as I watched my magic reach out to flick her arm. She rolled her eyes, laying back on the couch as she continued reading.

I scooted my seat back, getting up to stretch my legs. I turned to move away from my desk, pausing when I saw the portrait that was on the wall. I smiled fondly as I moved to it, my finger gently tracing the man that was in the portrait.

"I might go see James, it's been a while," I murmured as I stared at the portrait of my soulmate and I. The portrait had captured him perfectly in my opinion. The way one side of his smile was slightly higher than the other and how his black hair always had tufts that stuck up. Most importantly the portrait captured how his dark brown eyes seemed to draw you into them.

"Try not to be seen," Zero said simply. She knew not to ask to go, it was too dangerous for her to go. My hold on my magic was unstable at best but around James it was outright volatile.

I took a deep breath, letting my magic surround me as I imagined the place that I needed to be. It felt like I was being squeezed terribly tight and I suddenly found myself at the entrance of a graveyard.

The gate to the graveyard was locked and it could only be unlocked by members of the Fadel family. One could only use magic or blood to unlock it. I sent a surge of magic through the lock, smiling at the satisfying click as the gate swung open.

I stepped over the pile of water that was pooling around the entrance of the gate. It had rained recently based on the water and mud that covered the trails. I squeezed down a long forgotten trail, the wet leaves brushing across my arms. Mud stuck to the bottom of my shoes, making me stumble slightly before I reached the small clearing that I had made when I was 16.

I sighed sadly as I sat down next to the grave, ignoring the cold water that soaked through my jeans almost immediately. I stared at the grave for a long moment as hot tears trickled down my face.

"He's dead now," I whispered as I looked up at the trees that surrounded me. "I just thought you would want to know. It was kind of an anniversary present if you think about it," I chuckled dryly as I rested my head against the rough stone of the gravestone.

I let go of the tight hold that I was keeping on my magic, letting it snake out around the clearing. My magic automatically started cleaning up the clearing as well as cleaning in the gravestone. I sighed in relief at the feeling of absolute harmony that my magic and I were in at the moment.

My magic and I were rarely in tune with each other like this seeing as it was so unstable. I gasped as my magic suddenly lashed out, pinning a person against a tree. I snapped out of my feeling of euphoria, scrambling up to my feet as I stared at the person.

"Hello Aaliyah," my sister's voice was the same as I remembered it if a little more raspy. She flicked a finger and her magic lashed out against mine. The surprise attack caught me off guard and my magic automatically recoiled before clashing against hers.

"Go away Rana," I said simply as I tried to draw my magic back into me, trying to focus on shielding me. It refused to listen and instead kept Rana's magic in place, refusing to allow it to get anywhere close to me.

"I've missed you," Rana said softly, her dark hazel eyes glittered slightly when I looked into them.

"You don't get to do that," I hissed as I stepped closer to her. "You don't get to pretend like you didn't ignore me for a thousand fucking years. You don't get to pretend like you didn't turn your back on me," I said as I glared at her.

"I've never seen this grave before," Rana tilted her head to look behind me at the grave. Rana had the special talent of avoiding the subject of a conversation, no matter how serious it was. It was infuriating and I knew that she was just waiting for me to lash out. I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction.

"You wouldn't have, I hid it back here for a reason," I said simply as I turned my back to her. My magic was starting to weaken from the constant struggle of pushing hers away.

"Oh? In the Fadel family cemetery you buried some stranger?" Rana asked as she stepped closer.

"James wasn't a stranger, he was my soulmate," I hissed as I spun around, my magic flaring dangerously. "I would still have him if Elyas hadn't decided to rip his heart out in front of me," I glared at her.

Rana fell silent either in surprise at my outburst or in surprise of the information. Soulmates were sacred things to vampires, to find out that I had lost mine so young and so callously would be a lot of information for her to handle.

"Stay the fuck away from me, pass that on to Mother and Father for me too," I said simply as I turned on my heel and teleported back to my home.

My legs gave out as soon as my magic returned to me. I had exerted it too much and now I would be paying the price. I lay in my front yard as my vision went black. The last thing I felt was Etol snuggling up to, her head resting on my chest protectively.

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