Chapter 22

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

Rana moves me, trying to set me down. I whine in confusion as I look around, rubbing at my eyes roughly until she pulls my hands away.

"Don't rub your eyes so hard, you're hurting them," Rana scolds lightly, making me pout at her. I wasn't hurting my eyes, I was just waking them up by rubbing them. I force my lower lip in a more exaggerated pout, knowing that that usually helps me get my way.

"I not," I disagree, deciding to voice how I knew that she was wrong.

"You are so hurting your eyes," Rana says as she crouches down to be at my level. "I would argue more with you but you clearly need to go potty first," she says, making me shake my head. I did not clearly have to go potty! I mean sure my legs were pressed together really tight but that was just how I liked standing.

"Not true," I argue, whining when Rana turns me around and pushes me towards the bathroom door. It's already open for me, something I'm thankful for since I'm so short now that reaching the doorknobs is so much harder. Stupid tiny baby legs.

I enter the bathroom, turning around to shut the door. I reach up to lock it, missing the lock the first time. It shouldn't be so hard to turn a lock but when you get used to just having your arm down and turning the lock, it's much different to have to reach up to do it.

I walk over to the toilet, huffing as it's weird to barely reach the counter after so long of being able to look down at it. I tug my pants and underwear down, quickly going to the bathroom before cleaning myself up. Once I pull my pants and underwear back up, I realize that I have a small problem.

I put the toilet lid down, climbing up onto it before turning to face the counter. I furrow my eyebrows as I reach over, cursing the tiny gap between the toilet and the counter. It would be so much easier to get on the counter if I didn't have to worry about falling down. My hands kind of hurt from pressing them against the edge of the counter but I just go for it and jump onto the counter. I struggle to pull myself up, kicking my feet slightly in my struggle to try and get on the counter.

Once I'm on top of it, I crawl over to the sink. I turn the handle, soaking my hands in the water. I pump a bunch of soap into my hands, just because I want them to be super clean. And not at all because I just want to look at the pile of bubbles that are in my hands. That's totally not the reason.

I scrub my hands together, getting water and soap all around the sink. I couldn't help it if I was messy! I was just trying to make sure that my hands just got super clean like they were supposed to be. Once I turn the water off, I realize my small problem. One, I didn't have anything to dry my hands on and two, I had no way of getting down. Sure I could probably just jump down but that doesn't sound any fun at all. My eyebrows furrow as I bite my bottom lip, hesitating before I make a decision.

"Rana!" I call, surprised when she almost instantly responds.

"Yes Aaliyah?" Rana asks.

"Can you come in?" I ask hesitantly. I watch as magic surrounds the doorknob after my question, unlocking the door before it's opened. Rana steps inside, raising an eyebrow when she sees me sitting on the counter.

"The counter is covered in water," Rana says, making me shake my head. It wasn't, she was just imagining that.

"Can you get me something to dry my hands?" I ask instead as I hold out my hands, watching as the water drips off of them.

"Sure," Rana says as she turns around and opens one of the high up cabinets. I look at it as she pulls out a hand towel, squealing when she tosses it at me. She uses her magic to stop it before it can actually hit me. I huff at her meanness, snatching the hand towel out of the air and drying my hands off.

"You're mean," I say as I give her a dirty look, regretting that when she points out something obvious.

"If I was mean, I would leave you up on this counter," Rana says as she sticks her tongue out at me, making me huff as I furrow my eyebrows.

"You wouldn't!" I object at the thought of being left on the counter all night.

"Well am I mean or not?" Rana poses the question, tapping her chin like she's in thought. A small buff escapes me.

"Please Rana," I beg finally, making her lift me up.

"Now is being nice to your wonderful and amazing older sister so hard?" Rana asks as she sets me down on the ground. A poor decision on her part because I take the opportunity to kick her in the ankle as hard as I can.

"Yes," is all I say before I run out of the bathroom, sprinting all the way back to my room. I had heard Rana inhale like I had really hurt her so I was pretty sure I had won the fight. At least so far that is.

I know the way back to my room! I mean I think I do. I could possibly be a little lost I decide after a couple minutes of sprinting, stopping as I try to catch my breath.

I rub my eyes, not knowing where I am but also knowing that I am far too tired to care where I sleep. I crawl under one of the tables in the hallways, letting the tablecloth fall down to cover me. It was actually quite warm and cozy under here. At least that's what I think as I start to drift off to sleep.

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