Chapter 3

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I stood at the front of the circle that I had carved into my floor. It had taken days to prepare the ritual room and now it was time to test how well this ritual would go.

The knife that had done the carving on my floor now rested in one of my hands. I dragged the knife across my palm, letting the blood drip and fill the grooves of the circle.

I took a deep breath as I stepped back, taking a small bottle of hellfire out of my pocket. Hellfire was different from regular fire, the name kind of gave away that it was fire from the pits of Hell. It was also extremely expensive and my bank account had taken a beating from buying it.

I shook my head as I dropped the bottle, watching it shatter. The fire spread quickly and consumed the entire circle before it flashed brightly and blinded me. I stumbled back, only pausing when I figured that I was past the line of protection. The line that would keep the demon that I had summoned from getting too close to me.

Miachel had insisted that I use every form of protection available to me. Demons would take any advantage they could to me sure they got the deal so I could only hope that the protections would hold.

"Who has summoned me?" The demon's voice was soft and so familiar. I rubbed my eyes to clear them, faltering slightly as I stared at the familiar demoness in front of me.

"I did," I said, my voice wavering slightly as the familiar yellow eyes turned to me. They ran over me and a fanged smile crossed the demoness' face.

"Little Aaliyah, all grown up," she hummed as she made her way towards me, frowning when she spotted the circle of protection surrounding her. She looked down with a small frown before looking up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Lady Keturah," I said as I bowed to her. Technically I should curtsy but I was wearing shorts so that kind of eliminated that option.

"It's Queen Keturah now," the demoness said simply, her yellow eyes gleaming as she studied me.

"My apologies, I didn't know that you had become queen," I said quickly. The last thing that I wanted to do was offend the very demoness I was relying on to help me.

"No offense was intended so you're forgiven this once," Queen Keturah spoke, her soft voice sending shivers down my spine. "Why have you summoned me child?" she asked.

"I want to make a deal," I stated simply. There was no point in beating around the bush when it came to making this deal.

"What kind of deal?" Queen Keturah said as examined her nails. If I hadn't met the demoness before I would have thought she was bored, if she was bored she would have left by now.

"I want you to stop anyone from looking for me," I said simply as I raised my chin up defiantly when she gave me a look of disbelief. "I'm willing to give you my soul if you manage to do so," I stated.

"A soul isn't something that should be given away so easily," Queen Keturah stated as she stared at me. "I don't make deals with children anyway," she said.

"I am not a child!" The whined words escaped my lips before I could stop them.

"No? Only a child would make such a stupid deal," Queen Keturah said. I bristled at the insult, my eyes widening when she stepped over the circle of protection with ease. "Only a child wouldn't do their research, those old circles stopped working for demons ages ago," she stated simply.

"How was I supposed to know that they stopped working? All the books say that they still work," I stammered as she made her way towards me. My back was pressed against the wall as she stopped in front of me.

"What books are you reading?" Queen Keturah's question was filled with curiosity. I gestured to the book that was resting on the floor across the room, letting out a small breath of relief. she moved across the room and picked up the book, scoffing slightly.

"These are way outdated," Queen Keturah said as she turned her attention back to me.

"I haven't exactly gotten a chance to get updated ones, I've been exiled by almost everyone in every single supernatural community," I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'll make a deal with you," Queen Keturah said as she walked over to me. I looked at her hopefully which made her raise an eyebrow. "Not the one you wanted," she dismissed.

"What deal could you possibly make then?" I asked as the door to the room burst open. Etol growled when she saw the demoness which made her raise an eyebrow. I shooed her away, my cheeks flushed as I realized the demoness probably knew where I had gotten her from.

"I will help you get all the updated information you need," Queen Keturah offered. "In return, I will be allowed to tell your family that I saw you and that you have your grandmother's stolen dragon egg," she stated.

"I didn't steal Etol, I was going to be getting a dragon anyways so I just took her a little earlier than planned," I defended myself as I bit my bottom lip.

"Yes well then you won't mind me telling your grandmother that you took it?" Queen Keturah suggested.

"What if I don't accept your deal?" I questioned as I looked at her.

"When you summoned me, you invited me into your home. I could tell them exactly where your home is if my deal isn't acceptable," Queen Keturah offered. I shook my head quickly as I realized how badly that would end.

"Fine, tell them that you saw me and that I have the dragon but my grandmother can't take Etol from me. Not now, not ever. We're soul bonded," I said. Queen Keturah's eyes widened as she clearly knew what that meant.

"Stupid child, if that dragon dies then you will as well," Queen Keturah said as she stepped towards me. "I'll not be telling them that, you can tell them that if you ever speak with them in person," she stated.

I nodded my head as she disappeared in another bright flash. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach and I regretted ever summoning my godmother.

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