Chapter 20

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

My magic is so on edge that it lashes out out again, Tenebris' magic wrapping around me as if to contain it slightly. My magic rolls off of his magic, the red beams bouncing around the dome until they start to collide. The noise they make when they collide makes my head hurt.

"Your magic is very strong," Tenebris compliments, making me glance down. I didn't want to think about my magic. I didn't even want to feel it right now even though it was bubbling underneath my skin in a way that showed that it was still on edge.

"Wish it wasn't," I mutter with a small frown, keeping my gaze averted. His magic dome disappears, revealing that everyone is still in the main room of the council. Ametrine is the one standing the closest. giving me a soft look. I hate it, I hate how she looks at me since she was supposed to be my mentor when I was younger. She was the best at blood magic, the longest living and most powerful.

"I think it would be best if you stayed here tonight, let us try to formulate a plan," Ametrine suggests as she holds out her hands. I glance back at Zero and Miachel, making them glance between each other.

"It probably would be for the best Aaliyah," Miachel agrees, making me frown.

"Wonderful," Ametrine declares, stepping forward. She offers me her hand, making me shake my head. "Come little one, you used to hold my hand all the time," she says with a small smile that doesn't fully hide the slight hurt that flashed through her face.

"When I was a child," I retort, earning a raised eyebrow from her.

"You are a child once again. It can be just like old times," Ametrine insists, frowning when I shake my head quickly.

"It's not the same, you know that," I mutter.

"Fine, then walk with me so that I can take you to your old room," Ametrine says, turning to leave the room. I reluctantly follow behind her, hearing Zero and Miachel follow behind me. I shiver at the familiar feelings that run through me, memories that I'd rather forget trying to cloud my mind.

I mange to push them away, to ignore them for most of the time that it takes to walk to my old room. It had been so long since I had last stayed here. I had stayed some nights when my grandma would visit Levana, which had been rather often when I was young, however I quickly decided that I didn't like visiting the dreary palace. Mostly because there was no one to play with.

When we reach my old room, I step forward and press my palm against the doorknob. I feel a small prick in the center of the palm, one so deep that it makes my eyes water as I twist the doorknob open. Normally the door didn't take so much blood nor prick my palm so painfully but I suppose it probably had to do with the fact that it had been over a thousand years since I visited.

"I'm surprised the wards welcomed you so fast. You know how old magic can be rather temperamental," Ametrine mutters as I step into my room. It's like I'm being slapped in the face with memories, memories that I didn't want in my head. My walls are lined with pictures, photos and paintings from when I was. Some of them when I was younger than that.

I pause to stare at one photo, one that shows younger me and Elyas together. He has me on his shoulders, pretending like he's going to toss me into the pool that's behind us. It's hung up high enough that I can't reach it but my magic lashes out, shattering the frame and burning the photo to dust.

"Don't burn things," Ametrine says as she approaches from behind me. My magic bristles, ruffling up even more when hers wraps around me. It's a suffocating feeling, like a fire is being suffocated from any oxygen.

"I hate the photos of him," I hiss out, spinning around to look at her. She leans down, getting so that I have to meet her gaze.

"Then I will get rid of them. You do not burn things. If you continue to lash out, you will magically exhaust yourself. That is bad for you considering how young you are," Ametrine states firmly. I hate how small she makes me feel, I feel like a child being scolded.

"Get rid of them faster," I demand, stomping my foot as I turn away from her so that I don't have to continue to hold her gaze and think about how young I am. I can remember the numerous times my grandma had let Ametrine babysit, times where I was supposed to bond with her since she was supposed to be my future mentor. Her babysitting hadn't been terrible but she wouldn't let me get away with anything like my other babysitters or even parents would have.

"You have quite the attitude. I don't say that I appreciate being bossed around by a 4 year old," Ametrine states, making me spin back around to look at her.

"I'm not a 4 year old!" I object, upset that she would say such a thing.

"You're look a little small. Maybe closer to three than four?" Ametrine asks, making me huff at her words. I stomp away from her, throwing myself on the bed that's in the room. At least I try to. It's kind of high up so I kind of have to scramble a little bit to get up into the bed.

"Don't throw a fit because I said the truth," Ametrine sighs. I ignore her, burrowing under the covers and ignoring her.

"I think it would be best if I handled things from now on," Zero interjects, stepping into the conversation. I nod my head in agreement, peeking out from under the covers.

"Of course. There is a guest room right down the hall that you and your partner can stay in. It will be the only door open," Ametrine informs Miachel and Zero before leaving. I pull myself out from under the covers, reaching out for Zero.

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