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You guys have heard about DREAM WORK or DREAM is this book for me. I can't be more than happy about completing this book, I mean I freakin wrote the story the one which was in my head for years, I have manifested and I finally it's here... published and you guys are reading it. Thankful and grateful.
So finally we are at the end of the book, I feel sad ending it but it deserves an end now. Thankyou to the one who read and loved my work. I love you guys. The only thing I want from my reader is to know me as a writer through this work of mine. A work full of love and only love.

Few facts related to the book.

1) This plot was actually for a fanfic but I wanted this wonderful story for a normal book. So I stopped myself from putting it as a fanfic. The book was introduced as a fanfic "She was my benchmate - A jhope ff" in early March or late Feb in 2022. And introduced and written in 2023.

2) This book has been emotionally draining for me at times and I swear I have invested so much into this as compared to my other works.

3) I personally find this book as my best one in spite of not so reads and votes. Because it has my efforts and emotions. My weak points and strong points too.

4) Asher is made in a way that you can't find him as an easy guy, he is calm and confused all in one. Like I wanted him to be, Men are different when we write a book.

5)Asher is my favourite character in the book, as compared to Ira. Though she is a sweet heart too. But personally the view points Asher had at various places was me speaking. Basically I wanted Asher to be like a raw and nice character written by me. He has his flaws, and perfections at initial stages. But he is a lover, as the story progresses we come to know this. He might have sounded some rude bad boy, toxic guy which he isn't initially. He was just confused about his feelings. Guys often are  in most cases. I wanted him to be written this way.

6) Asher's name came in a way from the character "Ash" in Pikachu the cartoon (Yes I have a love for cartoon since childhood) Ash is here his nickname, and that's how I found Asher a bit modern with Muslim touch.

7) Ira is a cute name, probably should have kept Iqra...but I wanted it to be short and sweet.

8)Amvi wasn't a bad Character either she was there to add spice, same goes for Rumi.

9) Rains, have been an important part of my books, as I am fond of them. I believe they really wash a lot of dirt and you can hug them and they will accept you in the most perfect way. That's why I Made Ira a rain girl. ( Rain girl obsession comes from my favourite anime movie Weathering with you, I am in love with hina and wish to find my hodaka soon irl...or maybe he is somewhere close to )

10)The story I wanted to write was more about how a girl deprived of love finds all in one in a guy she marries. I don't know but I am also selfish when it comes to my part of love..the love that I deserve. and that's how Ira is made.

11) Various barriers and ups and downs are portrayed in the story along with love test. Love is always tested and at every stage it deepens with time.

12) Infertility issue has been taken up in the book, as it is a big issue for some women and they face a lot because of it.
I wanted to bring it out, and you are always complete with or without a child. You still can adopt or have a fur baby home and stay happy is what I believe. I love kids but that doesn't mean that if you don't have one it's a damage to you being a woman
I truly believe we all are complete even without a man or child, just by being us.

13) The only warning I gave myself with this book is that It's difficult finding an Asher in real life. Though I still dream that the guy I will love irl should read my books and know my expectations. Obviously as a writer I want my person to appreciate my writings and understand them.

14) Asher is made a bad boy with good heart, who loves chocolate, reads books, well settled, confused and composed, loving and a one woman man. ( Khushhal blends in well with this character )

15) Inspite of the world being a feminist and all I still believe that there is some things we don't accept about men that they also are humans, with feelings. We women can rant and cry all day long and still we ask for justice at every stage. But do people talk about men being emotional? No coz they can't cry! Lol they are humans too. I respect every men out there doing whatever job big or small, they earn, to make their family live a happy life and bro that's not easy. That's a big thing, they are the one with big duties on their shoulders. Girls should try to equalise it instead Rant about all the fake feminism that goes on around. Like every side has two coins in the same way it goes for both men and women. Noone is supreme amongst eachother. Equality should prevail at every stage.

16) Love talks are basic core of this book, sorry this girl only talks about love. In each of my book you will find me ranting about love. Because I romanticize everything in life as I am made of love and starlight.

17) I want this book to reach a larger section of audience, I hope it reaches one day. This book would be my first work to be published as a paperback i swear.

18) Asra are my babies and I will forever cherish them, they have drained my emotional sides too much though. So for the next few books I think I would try to decrease it.

19) This book is close to me and for so many actual causes. Started and plotted so many days, then written for too long. I know I don't write fast like I used to because now I am focussing more on rich work so I want it to come out perfect even if it takes time.

20) I need a perfect book review at the end
You guys can do this much for me.

The end.


Tada love ya
See you in the next book!
Check out my other works.

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