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The next morning, Sakura needed to let out some steam so she decided to train early. An hour into her training, she felt his presence.

“Tobirama, I know you’re there,” she huffed, crossing her arms. He stepped around the tree and smirked.

“For someone who’s not a sensor, you’re not bad,” he teased.

“I guess my body just knows when you’re near” she answered without thinking. Tobirama’s gaze darkened and he stalked forward. Sakura uncrossed her arms and stood up straighter, feeling the air around them change. She swallowed and creased her brows.

“What are you doing here,” she asked, trying to sound annoyed but failing, his proximity making her squirm.

“I sensed your chakra and wanted to ask if you’d like to spar with me,” he said, his voice deep and low.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she replied softly, biting her lower lip. He stepped into her space, forcing her to tilt her chin up a little to look at him.

“And why is that, Sakura,” his crimson eyes were glued to hers. Sakura swallowed. There was always tension between them when it came to Tobirama. At first it was because he didn’t trust her, but now because his eyes hold so much heat and desire he doesn’t bother trying to hide that it never fails to send shivers down her spine.

“Because it’s still early enough that people are still asleep. It would be rude to wake them up with our sparring,” she answered.

Tobirama hummed but stayed silent. “Is that all?”  Sakura widened her eyes slightly, then narrowed at the younger Senju.

“Fine, if it’s a spar you want, then a spar you get. But taijutsu only,” she scoffed.

“No chakra,” he added, arching his brows. Sakura grumbled but agreed as they got into position. After watching him spar with Izuna, Sakura knew she had no chance of winning against Tobirama. But that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t give him a hard time. She was beyond frustrated and really needed this outlet so she didn’t hold back. Even without the use of her chakra, her punches still hurt and she smiled when her foot connected against his abdomen, causing him to jump back. As Sakura thought, Tobirama was fast, and after a while her movements started to slow down, giving Tobirama the opening to get her back by kicking her against a tree and following through by pushing his body against hers. Sakura gasped from the impact and the feeling of Tobirama’s thighs wedged between her legs. He stared down at her, his red eyes gleaming and Sakura whimpered at the heat in their depths.

They stared at each other for a moment. This time, it was her who initiated the kiss, pulling his head towards her to slam her lips against his. Tobirama groaned and kissed her back with the same passion, both hands gripping her waist in a bruising grip. It was a heated kiss the moment their lips touched, and Sakura moaned when he bit her lower lip. Sakura gripped Tobiramas shoulders, moaning into the kiss and Tobirama continued to press his hard body against hers. He pulled back abruptly, red eyes dark and gleaming with desire. His lips were shiny and swollen, and his cheeks were flushed with color. Sakura must look just as disheveled, and she had to swallow back another moan as she unconsciously ground her hips against his thighs, her core clenching from the friction. Tobirama pressed his forehead against hers, groaning as he fought for control. He hated the fact that every time he was around Sakura, he lost control of his body and mind and all he could think about was her.

“Sakura,” he breathed, his eyes closed as he tried to get his breathing under control.

“Tobi..” she whimpered, and she felt him tighten his grip on her waist. With a growl, he kissed her again, his hands scooping under her knees and making her wrap her legs around his waist. The bark of the tree dug into Sakura’s back but she didn’t care. She felt his hands pull the knot of her yukata loose, and she arched her back, encouraging him to touch her heated skin. He broke the kiss to part the yukata, his eyes darkening as he could clearly see her hard nipples through her bindings.

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