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Sakura sat nervously next to Izuna as the room held a lingering tension in the air. She risked a glance at Tobirama Senju, who was scowling and glaring intensely in her direction.

  “Madara, you have no idea how utterly relieved I was when you sent that letter. I do believe it is time for this war to end,” Hashirama began.

  Madara nodded curtly. He was still holding a grudge at the other Senju for almost killing his last brother. He clenched his jaw, holding on as much as he can to his self-control.

It would be dishonorable to start attacking them when they were invited over to their headquarters.

  “Yes Hashi. After witnessing my brother at death's door,” he paused and narrowed his eyes at the albino Senju. “I realized I don’t even remember the reason for the fighting anymore. Too many lives have been lost, I just want our children to actually grow up and make it to adulthood,” he finished. Hashirama’s eyes softened at the confession.

  “Yes, I agree. It has always been my dream,” Hashirama replied.

  “Of course, I remember, you never shut up about it when we were younger,” Madara commented, smirking.

Hashirama’s face lit up and he let out a boisterous laugh, instantly dissipating the tension in the air. The change was instantaneous, and Sakura let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

  “How did you survive that wound? It was meant to be fatal,” Tobirama cut in. And the tension was back. Madara let out a killing intent for half a second before it disappeared.

Sakura was impressed at the self-control he has. Hashirama just sighed, rubbing his face defeatedly. “Tobi…” he groaned.

  Izuna’s jaw tensed, his fists clenched under the table. He took a deep breath and smirked before answering.

“Guess you’ll have to work on your aim, Senju,” he goaded. Tobirama’s only reaction was the slight twitch to his eyebrows.

The tension was getting thicker and Sakura was afraid that it would go downhill from there if nothing was done, fast.

  “I healed him,” she spoke up. All eyes turned towards her, but she was only looking at Tobirama.

  Hashirama spoke up, with slight curiosity and admiration in his tone.

“You healed him? That’s amazing! You must be an exceptional healer to have healed such a wound. I admit I was also surprised to see Izuna up and about. Even with my skills, I doubt I would’ve been able to heal him to the point he’s like new, as he is now,” Hashirama said.

  Sakura never once took her eyes off Tobirama, who seemed to be challenging her with a look.

  “You healed that wound?” he finally asked her. Everyone was tense and quiet as they silently watched the glaring contest from the two.

  “Yes I did, Senju-sama. I am a healer in nature, and it is against my conscience to let someone die when I’m around,” she answered, keeping her tone neutral.

  “How?” he broke the silence.

  “With my chakra, Senju-sama,” she replied. She saw in her peripheral Hashirama’s eyes widening.

  “Show me,” Tobirama commanded. Sakura’s eyebrows twitched at his tone. She gritted her teeth as she debated whether or not to throw caution to the wind and punch him for talking down on her.

Her nostrils flared as she exhaled, forcing a smile on her face. She grabbed the quill that was on the table and slashed her arm deep enough that a steady flow of blood dripped  onto the table. Everyone tensed, hands resting on their weapons, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.

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