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Sakura was walking the streets towards the Senju main house. It has become a routine for her to visit Touka and Kagura whenever she can, and today she had a night shift so she had free time that morning. She can still remember the day she introduced the two girls together. She knew they would get along pretty well since their personalities were so similar. Sakura smiled.

“Sakura-sama, please come in,” Machi greeted her. Sakura smiled as she entered the home. As soon as she passed the living room of the main house, the doors slid open and she was startled by Tobirama.


“Oh! Tobi, you scared me,” she said with her hand on her chest and her eyes wide, lightly slapping his forearms.

He arched a brow at her. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I’m here to see Touka,” she told him.

“Ah, she was sent out for a mission. She left just this morning," he said

“Oh,” Sakura hummed, now biting her lips as she thought about what she should do with her free time.

“Sakura!” she heard a voice inside the room and she had to bend to peer under Tobirama’s shoulders to see Izuna sitting in the middle of the room.


Tobirama stepped aside so she could walk through, closed the doors and sat back down to where he was sitting before. Sakura stayed frozen in place, eyeing both of them. Izuna and Tobirama looked at each other before looking back towards Sakura, amusement in both their eyes.

“You okay?” Izuna asks. Sakura blinked rapidly and rubbed her eyes before staring wide eyed at them again, causing the Uchiha to snort while trying not to laugh.

“S-sorry, it’s just, you’re here? At the Senju compound? With Tobirama. Just the two of you...” she trailed off.

Tobirama scoffed and rolled his eyes. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who scolded us about our hostility towards each other. I would think you of all people would be glad to see us like this,” Tobirama said in his usual tone with a hint of sarcasm. She giggled and sat down in front of them, waving her hands at the wrist. “You’re right, it just took me by surprise, is all. I am happy to see you two like this” she said with a closed eye grin.

With a smile, Izuna sighed and shook his head, looking back down at the scrolls in front of him, groaning his displeasure at the mountain of paperwork he has to get through. Sakura giggled and placed her elbows on the low table, tilting her head as she watched him work, her eyes briefly reading the contents of the scroll.

“There has to be a better way to organize all this paperwork to make it work in a larger system,” grumbled Tobirama. Izuna agreed with a groan.

“Hmm, both the Uchiha and Senju ways of archiving won’t work on a village scale,” Izuna said softly, scanning through the different scrolls.

“Why not use a numbering system? Assign a number for every shinobi, and archive accordingly,” Sakura chimed in with a smile. Both males looked at her with a look of admiration and shock that she had to hide the amused smile behind her hands.

“I said this before and I will say this again, if you weren’t in charge of the hospital, I’d have asked you to take charge of our administration, or be a part of the council,” Tobirama grumbled.

“Augh, it’s so simple yet so effective. How did we miss it!” Izuna grumbled loudly, pouting. Sakura giggled again, thinking how cute he looked when he pouted.

“Ne, you two look like you need a break. When was the last time you two did something other than work?” Sakura asked. Both Tobirama and Izuna looked down, brows furrowed in deep thought.

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